To this:
Four short months and oh, so many changes! It's hard to believe that my little six and a half pound baby boy is not a newborn anymore but a full blown infant with a distinctly laid back personality.
Max has become a lover of his fingers. Jamming all of them into his mouth while vigorously sucking on them is a favorite activity of his. Sopping wet hands are the norm since his drool output has increased ten fold. It amazes us the amount of drool this child produces, it rivals our dog in volume!
One, almost milestone, Max has reached is sitting. He cannot completely sit on his own, but he can support himself with his hands for minutes on end. I can even walk away and he not worry about him tumbling over in a big dramatic crash. He adores viewing the world in this new found favorite position and protests loudly when put on his back or stomach. Noelle was an early sitter and it seems Max will be like his sister in this aspect.
Maximilian Charles has also found strength in his little stubby legs. Just this past week he has discovered this strength and loves to stand at every possible moment. Smiles and laughs are abundent when he is awake. Whenever I lift his little toes to his mouth he licks them and laughs histerically. It really is funny to watch. He still is a very easy going baby, whom loves to watch Noelle go about her buisness.
Even though he is growing and changing every day he still is a little baby and I cherish the times he falls asleep in my arms or looks up at me with big love eyes. Everyday is a joy and I adore my little man.
Update: We had Max's well baby visit today(5/2/08). He is doing great and his stats are as follows: Height - 24 1/2 inches Weight - 13 lbs. 13 oz. both fall again around the 25th percentile.
my mr max is sooo handsome!! i love the pictures and can't wait to see my lil darlings again. give ms noelle a big hug and kiss from her ceecee-berry! MUAH!
If Max had curly hair, I'd swear I was looking at baby pictures of Tom!! (but Max is cuter of course)Gives the kids some hugs and kisses from us. See everyone in June.
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