Monday, May 12, 2008


Mother's Day was wonderful and I am very blessed to have two wonderful children to celebrate it with. We spent the day as a family lounging around. Tom cooked a scrumptious breakfast and dinner. The only thing I could find wrong was the lack of being with my Mother.

Noelle was a pro a saying "Happy Mother's Day" or "Happy Mommy's Day". She repeatedly yelled it out during the day. Every once in awhile she would run up to me and throw her scrawny arms around me plant a kiss on my cheek while exclaiming "Happy Mother's Day". It was undeniably the best gift ever!
As evident by the picture, Friday we attempted dual bathing. Noelle was extremely excited to have her baby brother sharing the joy one of her favorite activities. Max seemed to be indifferent, although many smiles were had by him. I'm not sure we will continue with this because Max was awfully slippery and it seems like more work for me! As she gets a little bigger we will try it again.

Monday was my Father's 47th birthday! Trying to figure out a present for him was a huge challenge until I asked Noelle her thoughts. Without hesitation she said, "a helicopter like the fuffa fairy buy me." That seemed like a great idea to me. Something fun for Grandpa to play with!

Aunt Ceecee decided she would come and visit us Monday. It was, as always a very welcome visit. I was able to do some birthday shopping for Tom and prepare for his birthday and of course, spend some quality time with my sister.

Yep, that's right Tom has his birthday this week too. Tuesday, my handsome husband, turned 29! What an old old man!!! I made him a cake and we had his favorite dinner of pizza for his special day. We also decorated the house with streamers and balloons. The decorations were more for Noelle's benefit, because she cried when I had to take them down. Noelle was very excited to help her daddy open his presents and ripped into them as if they were her own.

Let's see what else is new....We dug up our excersaucer from the basement and Max took instant liking to it. He is all smiles as he spins around and explores the toys. I didn't think he would be able to spin, grab, and play but I guess I underestimated his abilities, or just am not ready to accept the fact he is getting so big. We also introduced him to rice cereal, yes he is a bit young but was very ready for it. He had no evidence of the tongue-thrust reflex being present , and it has now become a daily occurrence for us. I think he may be starting to teeth as well. He has been fussy lately and not sleeping through the night. When anything comes within inches from his mouth he grabs for it and gnaws on it ridiculously hard.

That's it for now. Tom is at another Red Wings game today. I'm a bit disappointed that I am not able to go, again, due to the fact we have children and I can't part myself from Max for long period of times yet. Maybe next year. GO RED WINGS!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy birthday Tom. Glad to hear you had a great Mothers' Day as well.