Friday, May 9, 2008

The Mystical Fuffa Fairy

She has descended upon us and snatched away all the fuffas (Noelle's word for pacifier). That's right, Noelle no longer uses a pacifier. It's about time

Taking a tip from the TV show Supernanny, we concocted a story about the Fuffa fairy. She was going to come and take Noelle's pacifiers away on a specific night and give them to babies that needed them. She would leave behind a special present for the newly anointed Big Girl. We have been talking about this Fuffa Fairy for a long time and Friday May, 2nd was her day to come to our house. Noelle and I decorated a special envelope to put the pacifiers in for the Fuffa Fairy and talked about it all last week.

Friday evening rolled around and we rounded up all the stray pacifiers around the house and sealed the envelope. Noelle kept saying, "I a big gurl, I no need a fuffa." and "The fuffa fairy will buy me a special present." All seemed fine and dandy until the actual event of going to bed took place. She cried and screamed and begged for her pacifier. No reasoning with her was going to help stop the obvious distress she was in. After about a half hour of gut wrenching sobbing she lost her dinner all over the sheets. The clean up ensued and back to sobbing Noelle returned. About another hour of crying and some loving words mixed in lead to a sound asleep fuffa less big girl!

Noelle woke up and sure enough the Fuffa Fairy did leave some presents. A remote controlled helicopter (Noelle has a great love for aviation), a princess sticker book, and a bubble gun. All things were met with much love and excitement.

On a whim Saturday morning we decided to quickly dress and head out for a nice breakfast. As soon as we got into the car Noelle exclaimed, "I no need a fuffa! I so proud of me!". Throughout the day she continued proclaiming how proud she was. Nap time rolled around and again we were met with tears, but not for very long.

As of now we are completely fuffa free and reminded of it all the time! Onto full blown potty training next, my goal is by June to be rid of diapers, wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of my princess!! give her big hugs and kisses and i cant wait to see you all!!!

Amanda said...

What a big girl! I will be very impressed if you are diaper free by June because that would mean Max would be trained too!