Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Crying Out Loud...

After Saturday night's cry fest we decided to not pick up Max at all and make him cry it out Sunday night. We would go into his room just to talk to him and rub his stomach without picking him up. The first time after five minuets of crying then keep extending the time as the night wore on. It is so hard to hear your baby screaming and not pick him up, knowing that all wants is to be held in your arms but it needed to be done.

Sunday night was a complete disaster ending with me getting only about 3 1/2 hours of very interrupted sleep. Forty five minutes here, fifteen minutes there, needless to say, it was not much fun. The worst part was that I had to lay next to a husband who was oblivious to Max's crying and mine. I guess it is very difficult to hear through all the obnoxious snoring he produces (sorry to be so blunt about it honey). Monday I was very cranky and irritable dreading going through it all over again that night.

It had to get better I just had to be strong and stick it out. Monday night after about a half hour of crying he was asleep. He woke up a few times and I was able to quickly put his pacifier in his mouth and walk out of the room while he fell back to sleep on his own.

Last night was heaven and he just cried in the beginning and then slept through the night until 6am!! Not as good as he used to do, but better than lately and I'm surely not complaining!

It took approximately three nights for Noelle to be completely weaned from her wrap and it looks like Max is following suit.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Glad to hear it is going better each night. Isn't it amazing how men can sleep through anything? I had a husband who fell asleep on the sofa in the room right next to Olivia's last night. He never heard her crying, but I did all the way upstairs.