Max stood, in Great Grandpa’s house, admiring a beautiful large painting, we had just arrived, after way too long of an absence, in St. Clair at Great Grandpa’s condo. Max continued to stare at the painting then turned to Tom and stated in a matter-of-fact tone, “Great Grandma painted that. She is in heaven. I really wish she was here because I want to give her a BIG hug!”. He smiled and walked away. Tom made his way over to me and repeated this story. Tears welled up in my ears and I smirked. There has always been something between Max and Great Grandma. He has this connection to her, acknowledging her death and stating on many occasions how he misses her and wants to give her a hug.
The river beckoned and the children played and played. The water was crisp and cool, with waves that rolled in when large boats passed. Noelle, Max, and Violette practiced tossing rocks while Zane sank his toes in the sand. The water washed quickly away and he was a bit surprised by his sinking feet, yelling out frequently, “I stuck!”
We took breaks and headed up to the hot tub to warm up and spend time with Great Grandpa. He spoiled the kids with unhealthy, but delicious and fun snacks. The kids ate cookies and chips galore while the boats passed. They were content sitting back and watching, a rarity at their ages.
When the freighters started coming down, Max was in heaven. He ran down to the water and was in awe of the large boat slowly coming down the river. The immense size and sheer awesomeness captivated my curious four year old boy.
After about four hours we loaded up, gave big hugs and kisses (Zane is all about kisses these days and was happy to get one from Great Grandpa) goodbye. Within minutes of driving away the three younger children were fast asleep, dreaming of boats, waves, sand, and Great Grandpa.
It was a great Saturday!
It's always great to hear how he is still connecting with her. It makes you feel good knowing she's still around in soul. Thanks for the great writing. Love you. Mom
that made me cry! give max a big hug and tell him and all the kids we love them.. they were so lucky to get to know her, im jealous everyday that i didnt get to see her hold maizey. love ya
I got a little teary eyed myself with Max's story. Olivia never met my mother, but I remember when she was about 2 1/2 and I was sad, she looked at me and said, "Don't be sad mommy. I miss Grandma Janie too, but she's always with us." I looked and her and said, "What?" to which she responded, "I talk to her all the time." I'm so glad your children are able to spend time with grandparents and great grandparents and make amazing memories to cherish. Sounds like a great weekend trip.
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