Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Long Weekend of Family Fun

I love and adore and cherish and (pondering other overly dramatic words) treasure and appreciate when Tom takes a day off of work.  He’s the ying to my yang, the milk to my chocolate (I could seriously bathe in milk chocolate), and the peanut butter to my jelly.  Yep, I just went a little, wait, a lot cliché, but after being together we have it worked out.  He knows what and when to help me and how to take over when my day has turned sour.  When he is off, I can let go a bit of control and take a passenger seat to parenting.  In our house it’s not a “normal car” of parenting it’s one of those Driver’s Ed cars that give the passenger as much control as the driver.  We’ve got it balanced and worked out.

We excitedly planned a family fun day for Friday.  The children were elated at the prospect of having their Daddy home for three days!  Friday was their final swimming lesson, and the first that Tom was going to see.   They swam, and slid down the big slide and jumped off the diving board.  All while carefully checking to make sure Daddy was watching.  My Little ViVi even went down the waterslide.  She bravely climbed and climbed the towering stairs and stood tall at the top.  I clenched my hand nervously waiting her turn.  There was no hesitation on her part.  She zoomed down.  I anxiously waited, watching the bottom, then heard a loud “thump”.  She hit her head hard, and was flipped around.  The parents around us all echoed an “Ohh!”.  I was nervous, but she popped her head up and seemed okay.  The instructor looked her over and she was smiling.  She’s a tough little one!

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Noelle and Max enjoyed the diving board, jumping off many times.

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Swimming ended and it was time to adventure on to the zoo, finally.  The cool 75 degrees was just perfect for a zoo day.  Apparently everyone else thought so too.  The crowds were immense, animals hard to see, but we merged on making the best of it.  The foursome loved it, Tom and I kept watchful eyes on the children as they tried to view exhibits.  We hit up the train and carousal.  These are things we usually avoid when going, due to crowds, but the children begged and their smiles were all the enticement we needed. 

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The crowds made me antsy, but I kept my focus on enjoying the children and fed off their excitement and smiles. 

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At home we continued on with family time roasting marshmallows, riding bikes, walks on the trail and being together the rest of the days of the weekend.

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Sunday evening was sad, as we all knew Tom was headed back to work in the morning and we were just two short weeks away from school starting.  This school year will bring not only 1st grade and Thursday School (Max will go 9-1:30 every Thursday along with homeschooling with me) but I have taken on PTO President, MOPS Steering Committee, and Lenawee Great Start Steering Committee.  Until the chaos is upon us we will enjoy our precious time, being a grand family of 6 and reflect back on a great weekend!

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