Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summering On

First grade is right around the corner, along with Thursday School for Max, but right now, it’s still summer time!  Things around here are continuing on filled with another two week session of swimming lessons and much time outside. 

Zane has made a big transition into a toddler bed.  The three other children have all been in twin beds no later than 16 months I believe.  Zane is 21 months and since the crib is not needed for another little one, we’ll keep him in it as long as possible.  He was excited for the conversion and says, “my big boy bed!”.  It hasn’t helped with his bad habit of getting up at night, now he knocks on his bedroom door crying out, “I want you Mommy!”.  I slowly open the door, sleep still in my eyes, but there he stands with both his night-nights (blankets) in hand and an irresistible smile spreads across his face and he always says, “Hi Mommy”.  The smile turns into the most lovely sideways smirk.  Of course I scoop him up and nurse him while snuggling and enjoying it.  After the third or so time, his smirk is not as appealing!  I keep telling myself to cherish our nighttime feedings because they will be gone soon.


The county fair drew us in and we had to go see the animals and walk around.  All children enjoyed petting and exploring the different animals.  The tractors were the biggest fun, as their immense wheels and ladders had to be climbed. 





Noelle lost another tooth (number 9), Zane’s vocabulary continues to grow at an alarming rate, Violette is completely blond, and Max has found a maturity (finally.  Life goes on, but it’s a life filled with smiles, love, and joy!


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your stories of Zane almost make me want another baby. And I can't believe Noelle's lost nine teeth. We have't lost any in our house yet. Enjoy what time is left of the summer and having all your children home with you.