Monday, March 21, 2011

A Moment

Today Zane fell asleep at the end of his nursing session. I usually put him down for a nap, but chose to just hold him and drink in all that is baby. I turned some TV (yeah, I know, whatever, it works for some time to keep the others still and quiet) on for Noelle, Max, and Violette, put my feet up in the recliner and loved on Zane. He's definitely not a newborn, having turned five months on Saturday, but he's still all baby. Sleeping his best in my arms, and loving being held. Very much still a baby.

So I wrapped my arms around his rotund middle and brought him near my face. Then I inhaled. Took a big breath of Zane and closed my eyes and let the smell fill my nostrils. It was magical. I continued to sit there and enjoy Zane's sweet smell. My cheeks rubbed against the softness that is his face. His chubby hand gripped my finger and my thumb gently rubbed the dimples on the back of his hand. I rubbed his bald (he's still lacking hair) head. The softness of his head is indescribable.

It didn't last long as Violette decided to join my baby drunkenness. She pursed her lips and kissed Zane's bald head and snuggled into my other side. Noelle and Max also climbed on to the chair as well, all of us enjoying a sleeping Zane. They get it. They understand how special our time is to just enjoy being still and content with one another.

Soon the shuffling of the three older ones woke up Zane, he glanced around and smiled. Really smiled, a cheek splitting, full body smile. He adores his older siblings and seeing them all around him makes him, and I, happy.

The magic baby smelling session was short lived, but it ended with me surrounded by all four of my blessings. All five of us together, giggling and smiling at each other. Touching each other with love, little fingers intertwined in mine. It turned into a magic moment of a mother and her four children treasuring their time, our time, together.

Since I didn't take pictures I will end this post with a few pictures of my now five month old Zane Michael.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How eloquently you can write! I love all your motherhood stories.