Thursday, March 17, 2011

She's 2, and Not So Terrible!

Violette Adelle has turned 2 at 1:36pm today. She is a fireball, full of expressions, and tons of adorableness, and attitude, and a fiery personality. Over the past year she is grown leaps and bounds and come into her own. She has become Violette. She has made herself known and solidified her order in the family. A year ago, describing her was easy. She was an easy child. Easy going, smiley, happy, and go with the flow, was her way.

That is not Violette any more. Smiley, yes. Happy, yes. Not so easy going any more. With age comes communication and now Violette stands up for what she wants. Noelle and Max can no longer tell her what to do. Her opinion matters, and she makes it known. Her vocabulary is not what Noelle and Max's was at this age, but we see dramatic improvement weekly from her. Having older siblings that would get and do things did not require words from her. She is making up for it now, adding many words on a weekly basis. The new expansion of vocabulary has brought on much defiance.

Although defiant, she is still Princess of Expressions. Her eye brows are captivating, arching high and expanding her little eyes, bringing so much to her little face. When she's mad the eye brows get deeply furrowed, slanting her eyes into an evil glare (that is definitely a Mommy thing!) that she usually is sending Max's way.

Here are things that I want to remember about Violette Adelle at this point in time:

*Favorite Phrases/words: "Max did it!", "2 more minutes.", "I hungey", "Dop it"
*Favorite Foods: "Chocey milk", "Toaster Studel"
*Favorite Attachments: "2 nannies" (2 pink blankets), "fuffa" (pacifier which will be gone very soon)

*She has become a fan of hitting, biting, and scratching to defend herself from the older two
*"Dis, Dat, Mine, Me do, Mommy do" are heard frequently
*When watching TV, walking through stores she points out things and will say, "Me want dat", "Max want dat" or "Well (Noelle) want dat" to the appropriate toy.
* She calls Noelle "Well Belle" or "Well" and pronounces Max, "Matz"
* She loves to give Zane kisses, usually insisting at the most inopportune moments and won't rest until she gets her "baby disses".
*At her 2 year well check up she was 22 lbs. and 35 inches putting her in the tenth percentile for weight and 95th for height!

I'm sure there are things I am missing, things I should be noting for future reference, but Violette is wonderful and is a lovely third child that fits perfectly in our family. That is good enough!

We are having a party on Saturday for her and more pictures will come from that day. For now I will end this with a wonderful morning picture of all four children, together, enjoying each other, just as I like it.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love it! How blessed you are with Violette and your entire family.