Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Roehrig Family Christmas

Sunday we all got together at Granpa Roehrig's house to celebrate Christmas. Everyone was there and we were healthy! We left around 10am and had a pleasant drive. Although we haven't had any snow this year, for driving that is fine by me. Wet roads are a little easier to handle than icy, snowy, and slushy ones!

We arrived around noon and had a wonderful time hanging out with the family. Noelle loved playing games with her cousins, Tessa, Chloe and Macy. Max clung to Tom, as he always does, and Violette thoroughly enjoyed being held by all.

We all snacked on tons of food, including an olive tray. It amazes me how much my children love olives, a definite Roehrig trait! There was cookies galore, and many other snacks and Max would ask for "more olive please" over and over. It seemed he always had at least one olive in his mouth and another in his hand. Most of us saved room for Granpa's Famous Spaghetti and Noelle even had seconds!

Noelle, Max, and Violette received tons of wonderful gifts and enjoyed opening everything. Even better than the gifts was being together with family.
My children have played non-stop with all their new, exciting presents. Each day some new game takes shape, and it makes the days go by quickly.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm happy to hear you made another trip to Sturgis to see the family, but bummed we couldn't see you too.