Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And She's 4....

On Monday our little drama queen turned the big 4! It is truly amazing how time flies by. I can recall almost every detail of her birth like it was yesterday. She came into the world with drama and it's been nothing different for four years now.

To explain what I mean by "drama", on our way to the Babcock Family Christmas I forgot to bring my lipstick to touch up our lips and Noelle cried for 20 mins. over it. That is also an example of her very, very girly side! Brushing her hair is a constant battle and she screams out in pain as if I'm yanking large fistfuls of hair out of her head. If an little "owie" happens she complains and reminds us about it for weeks, if it's on her leg or foot then she can't walk for hours. With Max I randomly find blood drops in the house and find him bleeding, he has a much higher pain tolerance than our little Diva.

Monday morning Noelle woke up and had birthday presents under the tree. Even though Tom wasn't home we let her open the gifts. She is really into Strawberry Shortcake so the majority of her gifts were along those lines. Surprisingly she willingly shared and showed off her gifts to Max. She also received some art supplies and during nap time we found the modeling clay so much fun and made different animals. img>When Tom arrived home from work we headed to The Toledo Zoo to see the lights. The normal 45 mins drive was much longer due to an accident and wrong exit by me. When we finally arrived the line to get into the zoo was very long and then we had to park over a mile away. We only went to the small front portion of the zoo, but the lights were spectacular and the children really enjoyed them. The train was going so we hopped aboard and that was a big hit with Max and Noelle!
Yesterday, Tuesday we got Noelle a cake for continuation of the birthday celebration. I had wanted to get Noelle a really big, special cake. Talking with the bakery they told me a big cake would feed a lot of people and we didn't need a cake that big. So, I decided to do a smaller one. Well, it was REALLY small, a lot smaller than I had wanted or expected. Noelle loved it and it tasted delicious, even Violette had her first piece of cake, so that is all that matters. Next time I know to just go ahead and get the bigger cake for dramatic effect!
Although Noelle really wanted a big birthday party for her Birthday, I think the two day celebration with the family worked out nicely and she enjoyed herself. Oh, I forgot to add that after cake and baths Noelle took a big spill and had a nice fat lip. Lots of tears and whimpering! She just had to add a bit of drama in there!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy birthday Noelle Rose! The zoo looks like lots of fun. We had talked of doing something fun like that this year, but the time got away from us. I love the picture or the cake. It looks perfect to me! Give Noelle a big ol' hug and kiss from all of us.