Monday, September 15, 2008

Walker, Texas Ranger

In the past few days Max has taken his first step! He is no where near being a full walker, but he is on his way! He has also found a new talent for balancing on his own without the help of anything to steady him. Personally, it is kind of sad because he is my baby and I'm not ready for this. The good thing is that I'm sure he is at least (if not more) than a month away from fully walking. It wasn't a one time step by accident either, he has continued to do it and he I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he adds more steps to the mix. Noelle is doing great with her patch! She now begs to keep it on and it is hard to make her take it off after the three hours. I am so glad that is was a quick adjustment and not a daily fight. Yes behind Noelle the kitchen table is disastrous, the nausea has been very tough on me! A little messy house and two children to chase around while being nauseated is no big deal to me these days, there are more important things to worry about!Since becoming pretty good at walking behind things Max has a new job of pushing Noelle around on her "ride". Sometimes she uses her feet a little too much and quickly darts forward leaving Max desperately grabbing for air and then falling. They both seem to have a great time and I'm excited they have begun to truly play together and enjoy each other.


Anonymous said...

my darlings are so cute!!!! cant wait till thursday to see you all and to talk to baby number three! love ya lots MUCH!!

Amanda said...

I can't believe he's starting to walk. Don't feel bad about your house. Our house is so disgustingly dirty. Normally I would be appauled walking in someone's house as filthy as my own, but I have gotten used to it since feeling exhausted and nausiated.