Tuesday, September 9, 2008

100th One

Well it's my 100th post so I figured I would make this post the one that I officially announce to all we are expecting Baby Number Three!! Yippee!!!

Today, I went into the doctor and I am 10 weeks along (out of 40 for those who have no idea how long a full term pregnancy is). My due date is April 7, 2009! The baby had a very strong heartbeat and everything looks great. We are so excited and feel so blessed because we were told it would be hard to conceive on our own.

For the record I have a (I guess you can call it mother's intuition) feeling the baby will be another boy. Tom thinks girl, but he is wrong. We will most likely find out the sex during the 20 week ultrasound, unless the baby will not cooperate.

I have been tired and nauseated, but elated!

Noelle is aware of the new baby and seems very excited. She keeps coming up with names for us. One of her favorites is Ruby because of the TV show Max & Ruby. We told her the baby is very small and will be spending a few months in my belly to grow stronger and bigger . She then said without hesitation, "then the belly doctor will take the baby out when he is bigger." I guess she remembers what happened when Max was born! Max has no idea what is going on, but at 8 months old why would he even care?

Well that my news for my exciting 100th post! Wish us luck and a few prayers wouldn't hurt either!

P.S. - Max finally got his first tooth! The bottom left central incisor came through today (9/10/08). It's about time!! It looks like more will soon follow.


Leah said...

:) Yay!!! April babies are pretty awesome! :) I'm very excited for you guys! And yay, Max finally cut his first tooth!

Amanda said...

Congrats mommy! We're due the day after I believe. I go to the Dr. for the first time tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything. Olivia likes the name Tarzan if it's a boy for us, but we'll let you have it since you're sure you're having a boy, and we'll most likely have a girl.