Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Little Nastia Liukin

Well, she is FAR from that but Noelle did have her first gymnastics class on Tuesday, September 2nd. She was excited and very nervous. When we arrived she clung to me before the class started. She kept mumbling, "I so tired" and "I want to go home".

The class started and for a warm up they did a obstacle course around the gym. Noelle would not do it unless I held her hand. I set Max in the middle of the room. I just love all the padding everywhere, he crawled around like he owned the place and I had no worries!

After the first few times around the obstacle course, Noelle began to gain more confidence and do things on her own. The instructor did many different things with the children and Noelle seemed to grow more confident with each passing moment. I was even able to step back, but not out of sight, a few times. Her favorite part was the balance beam. She was even able to do the big balance beam a few feet on her own.

I wish I had pictures but there was no way I could get to my camera! Maybe next week.

I forgot to mention in my last post that Maximilian turned 8 months! He still has no teeth but his appetite for non baby food items keeps growing. Over the weekend we got out his little push toy and he gets behind it and cruises! I am amazed at how well he does. Sure, he does fall over occasionally but for 8 months I am in awe. The other day he was standing on the TV stand and let go and turned toward the toy bin and tried to walk, instead he fell face first. His courage and lack of fear impresses me daily.


Anonymous said...

i so so so wish i could of seen my lil princess at her gymnastics! tell her aunt ceecee is so proud of her and give her and max a smooch for me! MUAH! love ya

Anonymous said...

Boy do I remember those days! I wish we could have been there to see her.
Love Dad