Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I try to jot down things that I find entertaining during the days. Here are a few that are fun to share:

While playing outside Noelle saw a bug on the driveway: "I squish him." After the bug was squished she got down on all fours and looked very closely at it, "Oh no, him really sad. I need to kiss him and make him happy!". I quickly put an end to the kissing of a dead bug!

Emotions are very big in Noelle's world now. Every time I get upset she runs quickly to me and puts her arms around me. I smile and instantly she says, "I make you so happy!".

If Max is crying, no matter where she is, she runs to him and exclaims, "I kiss him and he be happy again!".

The other morning Noelle barges into my room and yells in a very whinny voice, "I be a mean gurl today!". Throughout the morning she would run up to me and with much attitude in her voice say "I so crabby!!". That was a long day.

While in time out she whimpers, "I so sorry. I ready to be a nice gurl now." Needless to say she did not complete her time out.

I was nursing Max and Noelle was very quiet, never a good sign. I asked her what she was doing and she says, "No, no, no Mommy, you stay there." I quickly got up and she was in my purse eating gum, wrapper and all then spitting the chewed mash back into my purse and putting more into her mouth.

I exited the bathroom and Noelle comes up to me and hugs me, "Mommy I so proud of you. You went pee pee all by you self!"

"This too difficult for Noelle." she yells (volume control is nonexistent in our house, but we are really trying to work on it) after fighting with a necklace.

New food from the store always excites her. When we open a new (insert item here) she says, "Daddy buy dis for me! I so cited for new (item, usually milk or something very mundane)."

When she is done with a game, "Mommy lets do somefing else now." I suggest something, "No, other somefing else." and it goes on and on.

Anything that is eaten by Tom or I is instantly smelled on our breathes, "Daddy you smell yike cheetos." or "Mommy you smell yike chocolate!". That nose of hers is very good.

Noelle can now spell her name Mom, Dad, and Max!!

One evening Noelle was being a little difficult and Tom said jokingly to her, "I'm going to sell you to the gypsies." Noelle instantly responded with, "Peas Daddy I want to sell to the gypsies!" Tom picked her up and tossed her on the couch. "Dese not the gypsies." It took awhile to explain to her that she really did not want to be sold to the gypsies

While at the park Noelle needed to use the restroom. The only available place was a port-a-potty. We walked inside and she looked down in the hole then looked up at me with her hands on her hips, "I don't think so Mommy. This place is gross!".

Monday, May 26, 2008

On With The Potty

Yeah ,I know I probably shouldn't post this picture, but her face is hidden so it's not that bad! Potty training is in full swing and going very very well in this Roehrig Household. No accidents today and only a few minor ones Saturday and Sunday. Today we had to bring her potty into the family room because "owie poops" descended upon her. She literally sat on her potty for a combined time of about two hours and change. Crying and grunting, not wanting to leave it because she was in so much pain.

The transformation from "owie poops" Noelle to "I got those owie poops out" Noelle was amazing. She was in so much pain all she did was whimper and want to stand in a pencil straight position. Once everything was out she was running around, smiling, and sweet as ever.

I need to work on myself staying strong and not putting a diaper back on her. For me, diapers are much easier than emptying her little potty (that word kind of bugs me), and doing all the follow up things that come along with toilet training. Noelle is infamous for going about 10 times (no joke) per hour and I get bored and lazy and just put a diaper back on her. Since about 18 months Noelle has been using the potty off and on because she wanted to. I would not really encourage her to go all the time and praise her when she did, but not remind her if she was comfortable in her diaper. This week we will be working hand-in-hand at training each other!

Max is doing great with baby food. He has successfully tried, and enjoyed, carrots, apples, bananas, and peas along with rice cereal. I am loving making my own baby food, it gives me a little sense of accomplishment, even though it is ridiculously easy to do. He is now working at drinking from a cup. He is not good at sucking on it and I found a cup that has a nipple with it and it seems to be easier on him. Max mostly chews on it and gets liquid that way, but he is holding it well and I'm sure he will catch on very soon.

Here is a cute picture of Noelle (she couldn't resist having fun like her little brother) and Max playing with their toes while Zeus watches over his babies:

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Zoo Day

We decided to take another trip to the Toledo Zoo today. Noelle has been referring to her last trip throughout her daily play and Tom really wanted to experience the fun with her. Because an all day trip with my two munchkins is not probable, Tom took only a half day off of work.
The weather was cool and partly cloudy, great for an afternoon of walking around the zoo. We had to hit the carousel again, that was a Top Noelle Priority. After that we went on to things we missed last time and skipped over most of the exhibits previously seen.

The giraffes were a big hit as well as the the polar bears and seals in the Africa and Artic exhibits. We then traveled onto the Aquarium. Noelle ran from fish tank to fish tank in complete awe, shouting "Yook Mommy, yook Daddy!" over and over. Tom and I tried out best to keep up with her fast little legs.

After a quick stop in the Primate Forest we went onto see The Apes. Hoping to catch a glimpse of some gorillas, we were pleasantly surprised to see one up against the glass. Noelle was overly exuberant and ran up to him. The gorilla looked right at her and she gave out a deep throaty laugh, while squealing with delight, "He's yookin at me!". Everyone around couldn't help but smile at her joy. They were her favorite without a doubt!

We skipped her nap and she still was sweet as pie throughout the visit. We had to acquire another stuffed animal (as if she doesn't sleep with 40 of them already!) and after looking at the multitudes of them in the gift shop she settled on a gorilla. He was held close to her and joined in everyone of her activities for the rest of the evening. All in all, an another completely successful Toledo Zoo trip.

The rest of the weekend consists of spending a lot of family time together! I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Weekend!

P.S. The Zoo has a summer concert series and one of the performers tonight was the band Finger Eleven. While we were walking toward the chimp exhibit so was the band. Two members kindly held open the doors while I pushed the big double stroller through. Noelle was standing with them watching the little chimps. Kind of cool! I wasn't sure it was them until I got home and looked it up, but I had a feeling!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Crying Out Loud...

After Saturday night's cry fest we decided to not pick up Max at all and make him cry it out Sunday night. We would go into his room just to talk to him and rub his stomach without picking him up. The first time after five minuets of crying then keep extending the time as the night wore on. It is so hard to hear your baby screaming and not pick him up, knowing that all wants is to be held in your arms but it needed to be done.

Sunday night was a complete disaster ending with me getting only about 3 1/2 hours of very interrupted sleep. Forty five minutes here, fifteen minutes there, needless to say, it was not much fun. The worst part was that I had to lay next to a husband who was oblivious to Max's crying and mine. I guess it is very difficult to hear through all the obnoxious snoring he produces (sorry to be so blunt about it honey). Monday I was very cranky and irritable dreading going through it all over again that night.

It had to get better I just had to be strong and stick it out. Monday night after about a half hour of crying he was asleep. He woke up a few times and I was able to quickly put his pacifier in his mouth and walk out of the room while he fell back to sleep on his own.

Last night was heaven and he just cried in the beginning and then slept through the night until 6am!! Not as good as he used to do, but better than lately and I'm surely not complaining!

It took approximately three nights for Noelle to be completely weaned from her wrap and it looks like Max is following suit.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sleepless in Adrian

There is nothing more refreshing for a mother to wake after a full eight hours of sleep. Well, I had that, now it's gone and I'm working to gain it back.

Since Max came home from the hospital we have used the Kiddopotomus SwaddleMe blanket for naps and bedtime. He has become so accustomed to being wrapped all up that when he jimmies his little hands free, he hits himself (oh we have a bright one here) and that in turn wakes him up. I have been waking up for the last few weeks and taking him out to nurse him then wrap him back up. Now it has become a habit and I'm done with it. He is now at the age where he wants his arms free, but then is completely clueless as to what to do with them when they are left to his own devices.

We went through this with Noelle too, and around the same time. She took three nights of crying and getting used to her free arms before she was sleeping through the night again. One night down for Max, hopefully only two more to go. Last night was our first night and it wasn't too bad, but I did not get much sleep. It is so hard to just let him cry and I ache to pick him up and hold him. That is how we got into this mess so I restrain myself. Tom helps out and the combination of us using hushed tones and stroking his tummy and forehead calms him down. Hopefully tonight is much easier and he only cries for half the time so I can get more sleep.

I have delved into making of my own baby food. So far I have made pureed apples and peas for Maximilian. He loves both along with the rice cereal. We struggled with Noelle getting her to eat and enjoy any baby food. This gives me much encouragement to keep making my own food for him.

Here are some pictures from this weekend and the hockey game (Tom had seats two rows behind the net, too bad they lost!):

Monday, May 12, 2008


Mother's Day was wonderful and I am very blessed to have two wonderful children to celebrate it with. We spent the day as a family lounging around. Tom cooked a scrumptious breakfast and dinner. The only thing I could find wrong was the lack of being with my Mother.

Noelle was a pro a saying "Happy Mother's Day" or "Happy Mommy's Day". She repeatedly yelled it out during the day. Every once in awhile she would run up to me and throw her scrawny arms around me plant a kiss on my cheek while exclaiming "Happy Mother's Day". It was undeniably the best gift ever!
As evident by the picture, Friday we attempted dual bathing. Noelle was extremely excited to have her baby brother sharing the joy one of her favorite activities. Max seemed to be indifferent, although many smiles were had by him. I'm not sure we will continue with this because Max was awfully slippery and it seems like more work for me! As she gets a little bigger we will try it again.

Monday was my Father's 47th birthday! Trying to figure out a present for him was a huge challenge until I asked Noelle her thoughts. Without hesitation she said, "a helicopter like the fuffa fairy buy me." That seemed like a great idea to me. Something fun for Grandpa to play with!

Aunt Ceecee decided she would come and visit us Monday. It was, as always a very welcome visit. I was able to do some birthday shopping for Tom and prepare for his birthday and of course, spend some quality time with my sister.

Yep, that's right Tom has his birthday this week too. Tuesday, my handsome husband, turned 29! What an old old man!!! I made him a cake and we had his favorite dinner of pizza for his special day. We also decorated the house with streamers and balloons. The decorations were more for Noelle's benefit, because she cried when I had to take them down. Noelle was very excited to help her daddy open his presents and ripped into them as if they were her own.

Let's see what else is new....We dug up our excersaucer from the basement and Max took instant liking to it. He is all smiles as he spins around and explores the toys. I didn't think he would be able to spin, grab, and play but I guess I underestimated his abilities, or just am not ready to accept the fact he is getting so big. We also introduced him to rice cereal, yes he is a bit young but was very ready for it. He had no evidence of the tongue-thrust reflex being present , and it has now become a daily occurrence for us. I think he may be starting to teeth as well. He has been fussy lately and not sleeping through the night. When anything comes within inches from his mouth he grabs for it and gnaws on it ridiculously hard.

That's it for now. Tom is at another Red Wings game today. I'm a bit disappointed that I am not able to go, again, due to the fact we have children and I can't part myself from Max for long period of times yet. Maybe next year. GO RED WINGS!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Mystical Fuffa Fairy

She has descended upon us and snatched away all the fuffas (Noelle's word for pacifier). That's right, Noelle no longer uses a pacifier. It's about time

Taking a tip from the TV show Supernanny, we concocted a story about the Fuffa fairy. She was going to come and take Noelle's pacifiers away on a specific night and give them to babies that needed them. She would leave behind a special present for the newly anointed Big Girl. We have been talking about this Fuffa Fairy for a long time and Friday May, 2nd was her day to come to our house. Noelle and I decorated a special envelope to put the pacifiers in for the Fuffa Fairy and talked about it all last week.

Friday evening rolled around and we rounded up all the stray pacifiers around the house and sealed the envelope. Noelle kept saying, "I a big gurl, I no need a fuffa." and "The fuffa fairy will buy me a special present." All seemed fine and dandy until the actual event of going to bed took place. She cried and screamed and begged for her pacifier. No reasoning with her was going to help stop the obvious distress she was in. After about a half hour of gut wrenching sobbing she lost her dinner all over the sheets. The clean up ensued and back to sobbing Noelle returned. About another hour of crying and some loving words mixed in lead to a sound asleep fuffa less big girl!

Noelle woke up and sure enough the Fuffa Fairy did leave some presents. A remote controlled helicopter (Noelle has a great love for aviation), a princess sticker book, and a bubble gun. All things were met with much love and excitement.

On a whim Saturday morning we decided to quickly dress and head out for a nice breakfast. As soon as we got into the car Noelle exclaimed, "I no need a fuffa! I so proud of me!". Throughout the day she continued proclaiming how proud she was. Nap time rolled around and again we were met with tears, but not for very long.

As of now we are completely fuffa free and reminded of it all the time! Onto full blown potty training next, my goal is by June to be rid of diapers, wish us luck!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Four Magical Months

From this:

To this:

Four short months and oh, so many changes! It's hard to believe that my little six and a half pound baby boy is not a newborn anymore but a full blown infant with a distinctly laid back personality.
Max has become a lover of his fingers. Jamming all of them into his mouth while vigorously sucking on them is a favorite activity of his. Sopping wet hands are the norm since his drool output has increased ten fold. It amazes us the amount of drool this child produces, it rivals our dog in volume!
One, almost milestone, Max has reached is sitting. He cannot completely sit on his own, but he can support himself with his hands for minutes on end. I can even walk away and he not worry about him tumbling over in a big dramatic crash. He adores viewing the world in this new found favorite position and protests loudly when put on his back or stomach. Noelle was an early sitter and it seems Max will be like his sister in this aspect.

Maximilian Charles has also found strength in his little stubby legs. Just this past week he has discovered this strength and loves to stand at every possible moment. Smiles and laughs are abundent when he is awake. Whenever I lift his little toes to his mouth he licks them and laughs histerically. It really is funny to watch. He still is a very easy going baby, whom loves to watch Noelle go about her buisness.

Even though he is growing and changing every day he still is a little baby and I cherish the times he falls asleep in my arms or looks up at me with big love eyes. Everyday is a joy and I adore my little man.

Update: We had Max's well baby visit today(5/2/08). He is doing great and his stats are as follows: Height - 24 1/2 inches Weight - 13 lbs. 13 oz. both fall again around the 25th percentile.