While playing outside Noelle saw a bug on the driveway: "I squish him." After the bug was squished she got down on all fours and looked very closely at it, "Oh no, him really sad. I need to kiss him and make him happy!". I quickly put an end to the kissing of a dead bug!
Emotions are very big in Noelle's world now. Every time I get upset she runs quickly to me and puts her arms around me. I smile and instantly she says, "I make you so happy!".
If Max is crying, no matter where she is, she runs to him and exclaims, "I kiss him and he be happy again!".
The other morning Noelle barges into my room and yells in a very whinny voice, "I be a mean gurl today!". Throughout the morning she would run up to me and with much attitude in her voice say "I so crabby!!". That was a long day.
While in time out she whimpers, "I so sorry. I ready to be a nice gurl now." Needless to say she did not complete her time out.
I was nursing Max and Noelle was very quiet, never a good sign. I asked her what she was doing and she says, "No, no, no Mommy, you stay there." I quickly got up and she was in my purse eating gum, wrapper and all then spitting the chewed mash back into my purse and putting more into her mouth.
I exited the bathroom and Noelle comes up to me and hugs me, "Mommy I so proud of you. You went pee pee all by you self!"
"This too difficult for Noelle." she yells (volume control is nonexistent in our house, but we are really trying to work on it) after fighting with a necklace.
New food from the store always excites her. When we open a new (insert item here) she says, "Daddy buy dis for me! I so cited for new (item, usually milk or something very mundane)."
When she is done with a game, "Mommy lets do somefing else now." I suggest something, "No, other somefing else." and it goes on and on.
Anything that is eaten by Tom or I is instantly smelled on our breathes, "Daddy you smell yike cheetos." or "Mommy you smell yike chocolate!". That nose of hers is very good.
Noelle can now spell her name Mom, Dad, and Max!!
One evening Noelle was being a little difficult and Tom said jokingly to her, "I'm going to sell you to the gypsies." Noelle instantly responded with, "Peas Daddy I want to sell to the gypsies!" Tom picked her up and tossed her on the couch. "Dese not the gypsies." It took awhile to explain to her that she really did not want to be sold to the gypsies
While at the park Noelle needed to use the restroom. The only available place was a port-a-potty. We walked inside and she looked down in the hole then looked up at me with her hands on her hips, "I don't think so Mommy. This place is gross!".