Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do Or Die For The Eye...

Who needs straight eyes? So what if one eye turns in while the other looks straight. From my experience it fascinates some people and creeps out others. I wish it were that simple and I didn't have to worry about the inherent cross-eyed problems my children face. I find myself constantly studying their eyes. While playing, talking, and basically all day long I stare, focusing on every movement the eye makes. Was that the left eye turning it? Was that the right eye turning out? Poor Noelle and Max. I think they would say, "Mom you are kind of creeping me out." if they weren't used to it.

After staring into Noelle's eyes, past the glasses, scrutinizing every move the muscles were making, I had a good feeling about today's doctor appointment. My feeling was dead on. The doctor said that the glasses alone were correcting the crosses. Imagine me, nerves in a bundle over the thought on my Angel facing surgery, exhaling all the worry out in one big breath. It was wonderful news.

Being a very wonderful doctor, she decided to take a quick look at Max while he was there. His eyes were right on! Mind you, he is only three months and that can quickly change, but for now we are in the clear. I have an appointment scheduled for the beginning of September for both children. The will look at Noelle's eyes once again to make sure the glasses are doing their job. Also, Max will go through the big visit, dilation and a more in depth exam, to see if he will also be in glasses.

For the next five months I can back off the intense, and some what creepy, eye staring and enjoy my babies!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wonderful news! Either way though you have two beautiful children. Glasses are nothing to worry about. God will watch out for you and your two bundles of joy.