Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crib Success

It appears my little man just needed a bigger bed! Maximilian was waking up around 5-6am after going down for bed at 9:30pm. I had a feeling the bassinet was getting too small when I would find that he had kicked himself toward the top and thus contributing to his waking at the crack of dawn. Since the big move he now sleeps from 9:30pm to 7:30am. I can't complain much about that!

Noelle Stories:

After being very loud and silly I said to Noelle, "You are my little Monster". Noelle responds with, "I no Monster, I a pincess Mommy."

While playing outside Noelle throws her ball (pink one, of course) down the hill then chases after it. I tell her that she could throw it the other way and then wouldn't have to chase it down the hill. Noelle looks at me and says, "But it so much fun to chase ball down hill!". It looked like too much work for me!

She now loves to say over and over, "Max SOOOO hansome!" A lot of times she will always tell Daddy the same thing.

After a very messy play session I asked her to pick up her toys and she actually did, a rarity. When she was done she put her little hands one her hips and said, "I a really great happy helper!". That you are my princess!

"Max is a baby, I a big gurl and Mommy a big big big gurl!"

Aunt Ceecee is on her way to visit so next post will have pictures of our very exciting trip to the Toledo Zoo!!

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