Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Big Helping Of Sweet n' Sour Noelle

I love sweet n' sour chicken but can do without sweet n' sour Noelle. This past week has been a long one to say the least. The good ol' terrible two's have officially set in and are testing Tom and I at every turn. This is the first week in which I have been brought to tears over a challenging child. Her emotions are now pouring in like the Hoover Dam. Amidst her high flying ponytails and princess-like demeanor, there lies a dangerous little creature, choc full of new words and emotions; capable of spilling out when I least expect it.

She has grown an invincible set of ear muffs that seem to mute out all the directions Tom and I give to her. But of course they don't completely cut out our voices because, with her back to us, she will sneak a look back and give this little devilish smile. Then she continues on in her own world. Sometimes the muffs are only half working because she will, with much attitude, yell out "No, Mommy Bear" and continue on with whatever action I had previously asked her to stop.

Time outs are a thing that challenges her and I. Me, because I have a difficult time ignoring the cries of "I so sorry Mommy Bear" coming from her corner. For her she just sobs and complains, "I have tears and snot!" and "I so upset" or "I so sad Mommy" while crying out. Busying myself with things around the house while she sits for the two minutes helps a bit to overcome the urge to grab her and just squeeze her.

Here comes the first change in authors for the Roehrig Family Chronicle. The rock of the family, Momma Bear, is currently attending to Max. She has tasked the Poppa Bear to finish this post. Where do I start. This weekend was full of fun and relaxation. Every Friday night I tell Noelle that it is the weekend and ask her what that means. She exclaims, "Daddy home!" It's almost too much to live up to, given the audience. Friday nights are usually spent bribing Noelle with promises of fun, as long as she goes to bed without incident. It never seems to pay off, as she is always up by 8 am.

My Saturday consisted of catching up on the chores, 3 loads of laundry, cleaning of two bathrooms, and general toddler clean up. I look forward to Saturday and Sunday afternoons, when Noelle and Mom take naps in their respective beds. This leaves me with little man on the couch for relaxation and tv time. Sunday was spent watching the Red Wings finish their season with a win over the once hated Black Hawks. My prediction is that the Hawks will be a contender within the next two or three seasons. They look like the Wings did a couple of years ago before the Euro Twins were known.

Alas, it is time to wind down, so I leave some pictures to tell the tale of two little people. Norah and Kitty Mitzel appear in one picture, for they went with Mom, Noelle, and Max for a much needed outing to Cabela's on Friday.

P.S. Isn't my Husband wonderful! There was no asking by me for laundry or cleaning of bathrooms . It was just Tom being purely perfect once again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you guys!! cant wait to see ya next week for sure! XoXoX