Before bedtime I promised to get out her tricycle and practice pedaling with her today. As soon as she woke up she remembered my promise and begged for the tricycle. I thought it might be a good idea to put some real clothes on but as I got the tricycle out she instantly noticed that her purple shirt was a perfect match to the tricycle. She looked at me and said, "I no want change shirt. My shirt match my bike!". I can understand why a two year old needs to match her bike, that's a given! What a little Diva!
One little story that made me laugh today:
While putting away dishes Noelle came up to me and shouted "Cuse me Mommy!". I asked her what she wanted and she said, "Cuse me Mommy I tooted very yittle. No worry Mommy it just a teeny tiny toot. I promise!".
Awww that's such a cute picture!! Hahahaha that toot story is too cute!
She is just precious. Just wait til little Max is talking and has all those stories too!
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