Monday, March 3, 2008

Chubs McGee

We have reached the two month mark. I can not imagine life without my two wonderful, beautiful, amazing children. Maximilian has been a complete joy and the best addition to our lives.

At Max's two month well baby visit he weighed in at 10 lbs. 9 oz and 22 3/8 inches long, both falling in the 15-25th percentile range. Tom and I are in love with his chunky thighs, meaty arms, kissable cheeks, and double chins. Having never been privy to this wonderful chub before we are enthralled! His head circumference came in around the 10th percentile, my children both have small heads! Although he does suffer from torticollis (a condition in which the child's neck turns to only one side) I have been diligently working to correct it and according to the doctor it is paying off. He does not need to attend addition physical therapy. That's a load off my back because the thought of taking Noelle along with me is very unappealing. Every thing else is growing and developing just as is should be.

The time came for Max to receive four immunization shots. I had no idea what to expect from Noelle. Sure enough she told the two nurses, "Peas no hurt brother Max." They both looked at me and felt very badly. I had to hold down Max and Noelle sat on the chair clutching Bear and muttering in a very pitiful voice, "I snuggle my Bear". After it was done I was able to console both of them in my arms and soon all was well. The rest of the evening was spent recounting the events of the day.

Thankfully we are now facing a very agreeable sleep schedule with Max. He has his last feeding between 9pm and 9:30pm and into bed he goes. Usually he wakes between 5am and 6am for a feeding and falls back to sleep until Noelle wakes up. I am very confident that soon he will be dropping his early morning feeding and sleeping through the night. Life is better when I get more sleep.

Awake time is being stretched out. Noelle and I encounter many smiles and laughs these days, which seems to make both of us smile more. Every thing about Max is growing and changing. His head control is basically fully developed and I don't have to worry about a bobble-head-baby anymore. Personality wise we are still trying to figure him out. He seems pretty laid back and nonchalant, but that may change with time. We are enjoying him thoroughly!

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