Friday, March 7, 2008

Matching Diva

Last night we had a friend come and visit. Sebastian and Noelle had a wonderful time playing together after overcoming their initial shyness. They actually shared very well and played together like old pals. After Sebastian left Noelle was very sad and talked about him a lot.

Before bedtime I promised to get out her tricycle and practice pedaling with her today. As soon as she woke up she remembered my promise and begged for the tricycle. I thought it might be a good idea to put some real clothes on but as I got the tricycle out she instantly noticed that her purple shirt was a perfect match to the tricycle. She looked at me and said, "I no want change shirt. My shirt match my bike!". I can understand why a two year old needs to match her bike, that's a given! What a little Diva!

One little story that made me laugh today:

While putting away dishes Noelle came up to me and shouted "Cuse me Mommy!". I asked her what she wanted and she said, "Cuse me Mommy I tooted very yittle. No worry Mommy it just a teeny tiny toot. I promise!".


Leah said...

Awww that's such a cute picture!! Hahahaha that toot story is too cute!

Amanda said...

She is just precious. Just wait til little Max is talking and has all those stories too!