In January despite the sadness of my Grandpa's funeral we were blessed with staying in an old friend of my Dad's beautiful house. It was a welcoming place and took a bit of the sadness out of the funeral away. The children had fun in the enormous pool house and hot tub!
Zane and his Zombie obsession continues
Noelle loves Cyrus
A trip to McDonald's playplace made a snow day better
Maizey turned 3 on the the 23rd of January and we headed to Charlotte's house to celebrate with my parents! The weather was perfect for time out in the snow, building a snowman, taking a sled ride on the tractor, and having snowball fights!Noelle had the priveledge of performing a song in front of the January Tecumseh School Board meeting. She stated she wasn't even nervous and did a great job!
Max played basketball for a quick little after school league and had one game against another elementary school during the half time of the High School boys game. He had a great time!
Noelle picked out new glasses all by herself, I think she did a nice job.
Zane said the prayer at Thursday School!
Sutton Elementary had it's annual Dance A Thon that I went to watch. Violette was very focused on performing the dances. Other kindergarteners got bored and did their own thing, Violette remained focused on the right moves at the right times during the whole thing! It was so much fun to watch!
Max had fun too! What a great way to raise money, without having to sell anything. As a parent, I'm very happy with this idea!
That's about all that is going on right now. Here are some more pictures of the children through out the last few months:
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