Monday, November 25, 2013

Thankful Slacking

Posting everyday was a great idea.  Then life hit and time slipped away.  So many things I am thankful for, from incredible family to great friends and a life that overall is great.  There are ups and many downs, but God is Good and provides well for us and I am so thankful for this path of life I am on.

Over the past weeks it's been good.  I had a belated birthday evening out with girl friends.  I let loose and enjoyed myself immensely.  There was boxes that were packed.  Warm weather lent us to an evening fire, hide and seek in the dark, and tons of giggling from the Littles.  School conferences went exceptionally well, solidifying that Max and Noelle are not only flourishing academically, but their behavior is at an all time high (it's so nice teachers don't see the typical behavior that goes on at home!).  Teachers praised each of them and I let with a big grin on my face, sincerely proud of both of them.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and my lack of Thankful posting is no reflection on the amount of thankfulness I posses.  My good intentions slipped away and although my blog isn't being kept up with, I still make it a daily point to take a few minutes and truly reflect on this life that I am thankful for.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Nice update. I neglected my blog for over two months so I'm not pointing fingers. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to spend time with family and enjoy life, and not have to worry about getting the camera out or posting updates. I'm glad you have so much to be thankful for.