Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Am Thankful Day 6

As much as they do drive me nuts, I am thankful for our animals.  Growing up we always had animals around the house.  Usually two dogs and two cats, fish, small rodents, birds, etc. I always said I would never have my own (I also said I wanted at the most, one child) because of the gross factor. Slobber, puke, poop, the grossness of animals was never ending and I wanted no part in it!

I grew up and realized how important having animals in the house was. Not only great companions to us and the children, it has taught responsibility, compassion, patience, humility, and many other things.  I'm still grossed out by the bodily functions, but they are few and far between.  The many Kodiak interaction between animals and children far outnumber the times I have ever questioned having animals.  Also, the protection factor of having two large black dogs, alerting me to any person that comes to the house is a great feeling.  Yeah, they are pretty important and we like them!

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