Sunday, May 15, 2011

Potential For Every Moment

Nothing particularly special or monumental has taken place since my last post to write about. Then again, every moment and every day is potentially special and beautiful.

Mother's Day was a wonderful day filled with sunshine, love, bubbles, and smiles. I spent the day adoring the children and my husband. He went above and beyond making the day special for me. Giving me breaks from diaper changes and clean up and even letting me get some more sleep. Sitting down and taking a break from ALL that is Motherhood, isn't something I want. I like being involved and a part of our daily grind. Skipping out on some poopy diapers, though, that was a treat!

The cold rainy weather let up and in came the humid Michigan warmth during last week. I was exhausted, sweaty, and cranky towards the end of the day. A shopping trip turned into many meltdowns and we arrived home yelling and screaming. A deep breath was inhaled and then I filled pans and buckets with water, got out spoons and Dixie cups. They were in a little back deck heaven. I was given many "Thank You Mommy's" as they had so much fun. It's the little things that bring smiles and happiness to them and I. A moment that had the potential to bring me to my knees was turned into a memorable, meaningful one.

Tom turned 32 on Friday the 13th. He decided to take the day off last minute. A day that I was dreading him being at work instead of with us turned into a day with him. It was relaxing and snuggly and a day dedicated to the Man of our house.

Grandpa Roehrig stopped in for the day on Saturday. A nice walk, lots of time outside, building with blocks, and reading books made for a very nice Saturday. Birthday cake, pizza, and the first use of the grill for the season helped to make the day even better.

Each day, although at times mundane and routine, has break out moments that are made and remembered.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so glad to see how you truly cherish each moment with your children and family Natalie! So many people get bogged down with life that they let it pass them by and realize it too late. Not you. I'm glad you turn it around when frustrations peak and you make fun memorable moments for your children and yourself! Happy belated to Tom as well.