Zane turned seven months old today! He is such a wonderful baby. Chubby in all the right places, with light blond hair and blue eyes to boot. Zane's skin is both stark white and seemingly very sensitive, a testament to his Mommy. The boy can smile, and he spreads those smiles around to every and anybody that looks his way. He loves himself some attention, crying the moment I walk away from him and giggles when I lock eyes as I turn around.
I found his first tooth yesterday, and a second little bud today! The previous three children had their first tooth pop through closer to one year. Score for Zane, for being the first! Although he wasn't too fussy, today was the worst day filled with many cries and a baby I wasn't used to. This time will pass and he will have two pearly whites to show for it.
He is getting closer to becoming mobile each day. He is a great sitter and can transition from sitting to all fours. He thrusts himself forward in a giant lunge then lands on his belly. He squirms and uses his little toes to try and move forward more. It is only a matter of time before he will be crawling.
Initially, this was a hard concept to grasp. I have decided it will be a fun new endeavor. He will be moving around, interacting more with Noelle, Max, and Violette. The look of adventure lighting up his face has he moves from one thing to the next, exploring and expanding his mind, will be fun to watch.
As far as the other three, they too are growing. The pictures speak for themselves, as I wipe away a tear, no more words will be written. I am embracing growth, but that doesn't mean it is not difficult.
We've decided Noelle-belle and Zane look just like you, max is a mix of you and Tom and vivi is all Tom! But they are perfect! Love ya!
They are growing like weeds. It can be hard, especially when you know it's your last. I've always called Mia my "Big Girl," but she gets mad and says, "No! Baby!" I've decided not to fight it and enjoy her wanting to be my baby longer. I love the pouty picture of Violette, too!
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