Monday, May 30, 2011

More In Love

I fell head over heels, to my tippy tippy toes, in love with Max, again. Time alone with him is hard to come by, but during a short session on Sunday we saw the best in each other.

Days with Max are filled with many feuds, as he pushes every boundary possible. He loves me, of course, but admires/adores/worships Tom, so during the day I just do not cut it for him. Some days I don't want to be around him (ouch, that was a tough admission) as he just seems miserable with me. The reason I think we butt heads so much is because he is just like me. He knows how and which buttons to push and pushes them once, then again, and again, and once more for the hell of it.

During our alone time we were outside the entire time and it was like heaven. He made me smile, gave me kisses, and we enjoyed each other. I laughed as he told jokes and was silly, he laughed at me as I chased him around. Scooping him up in my arms was followed by a fierce hug and big smooch, that was not pushed away, but returned.

This will have to be done more often, and much more frequently. He and I need to be alone, loving, and really enjoying each other.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I don't have a DSLR camera. The type that seem to be all the rage these days. I do have one I like a lot and I have been busting it out taking a lot of pictures. The quality isn't always the greatest, but I am capturing our life and the children and that is what matters. Work is still being done on excepting that whole growth thing and during that process I find myself coping by snapping as many pictures of the children during the day! Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Continuing On With Growth

This weeks marks the last week of school for the children. Their preschool, that I fell in love with, is closing this week as well. The director and teachers stole my heart and made this year great for me and the children. This year was a big one, in terms of letting go for me. The preschool comforted me and helped me let the children go and continue growing. I was hesitant about putting them in and took finding the right school for us. I am saddened by the closing of the school, but I guess have to take comfort in the fact that things happen for a reason. Noelle will continue on to Kindergarten in fall and Max, Violette, and Zane will be home with me.

As with the ending of a school year comes a program. A celebration of the school year and the children. It was cute, and great to watch. They preformed songs and got a diploma at the end. Noelle and Max were, well entertaining during it. Max was in a grumpy mood and sat when supposed to stand, didn't recite the bible verse we had worked SO hard on, now any of the songs we had listened countless times at home. Oh well, he's 3, and these little hiccups make for great stories as he gets older. Noelle did well, signing and singing her songs. At one point Max and kept making Noelle laugh and all that could be heard was the two of them. All in all it was adorable and I'm so proud of them. It was a great ending to the school year.

The children worked very hard on making their beloved teachers gifts. We decorated flower pots and made cards that said, "Thank You For Helping Me Grow". They proudly handed their teachers the gifts on Tuesday and I snapped a picture. Of course a better one would've been the night of the program all dressed up, but of course that didn't happen!

Thursday was Noelle's final day, and the final day of the preschool. As hard as it is to right, I do look forward to the fall and having a beautiful Kindergartner to get ready in the morning!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Celebrating Growth

My children are growing. They all do, no matter how much you want them to stay little. After much thought and deliberation and many many tears, instead of sulking about it, I'm going to embrace it and celebrate it.

Zane turned seven months old today! He is such a wonderful baby. Chubby in all the right places, with light blond hair and blue eyes to boot. Zane's skin is both stark white and seemingly very sensitive, a testament to his Mommy. The boy can smile, and he spreads those smiles around to every and anybody that looks his way. He loves himself some attention, crying the moment I walk away from him and giggles when I lock eyes as I turn around.

I found his first tooth yesterday, and a second little bud today! The previous three children had their first tooth pop through closer to one year. Score for Zane, for being the first! Although he wasn't too fussy, today was the worst day filled with many cries and a baby I wasn't used to. This time will pass and he will have two pearly whites to show for it.

He is getting closer to becoming mobile each day. He is a great sitter and can transition from sitting to all fours. He thrusts himself forward in a giant lunge then lands on his belly. He squirms and uses his little toes to try and move forward more. It is only a matter of time before he will be crawling.

Initially, this was a hard concept to grasp. I have decided it will be a fun new endeavor. He will be moving around, interacting more with Noelle, Max, and Violette. The look of adventure lighting up his face has he moves from one thing to the next, exploring and expanding his mind, will be fun to watch.

As far as the other three, they too are growing. The pictures speak for themselves, as I wipe away a tear, no more words will be written. I am embracing growth, but that doesn't mean it is not difficult.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Potential For Every Moment

Nothing particularly special or monumental has taken place since my last post to write about. Then again, every moment and every day is potentially special and beautiful.

Mother's Day was a wonderful day filled with sunshine, love, bubbles, and smiles. I spent the day adoring the children and my husband. He went above and beyond making the day special for me. Giving me breaks from diaper changes and clean up and even letting me get some more sleep. Sitting down and taking a break from ALL that is Motherhood, isn't something I want. I like being involved and a part of our daily grind. Skipping out on some poopy diapers, though, that was a treat!

The cold rainy weather let up and in came the humid Michigan warmth during last week. I was exhausted, sweaty, and cranky towards the end of the day. A shopping trip turned into many meltdowns and we arrived home yelling and screaming. A deep breath was inhaled and then I filled pans and buckets with water, got out spoons and Dixie cups. They were in a little back deck heaven. I was given many "Thank You Mommy's" as they had so much fun. It's the little things that bring smiles and happiness to them and I. A moment that had the potential to bring me to my knees was turned into a memorable, meaningful one.

Tom turned 32 on Friday the 13th. He decided to take the day off last minute. A day that I was dreading him being at work instead of with us turned into a day with him. It was relaxing and snuggly and a day dedicated to the Man of our house.

Grandpa Roehrig stopped in for the day on Saturday. A nice walk, lots of time outside, building with blocks, and reading books made for a very nice Saturday. Birthday cake, pizza, and the first use of the grill for the season helped to make the day even better.

Each day, although at times mundane and routine, has break out moments that are made and remembered.