Saturday, the children's preschool offered this wonderful thing called "Shop and Drop". From 2pm-8pm, for a very minimal fee, Noelle, Max, and Violette were separated from us. We played Santa and did some MUCH needed shopping. It was great. Fabulous. Very enjoyable. The children are very familiar with the school and I felt so comfortable leaving them there. The event raised money for the preschool and we were able to get a lot accomplished. A perfect afternoon.
Zane came with us because he's nursing every 3 hours during the day. At his age, he's cute and easy and we loved bringing with us. Yes, he's chubby. He's huge. Really big. I can't believe how much he has grown since birth. Just take a look yourself. Behold, our Budda Belly Baby:
My milk is truly doing this baby boy good! He's also sleeping incredibly well, from about 9:30pm until 6-7am most nights! He'll go through his growth spurts over the next months and sleep less, but right now it's very nice.
Sunday the snow started to fall and Tom took the older ones outside to enjoy. They had a blast, as most children do in the snow. Max and Noelle got a big kick out of throwing snowballs at Tom. Max tried to get me as I took pictures. Typical Max. Violette seemed to enjoy the snow too. This is different from her crawling state last year.
Cheeks reddened from the blowing snow, snow suits were wet, and children had expired. Time to head in. I whipped up some hot cocoa on the stove. The greatest recipe is found on the side of a Hershey's Cocoa container. Follow it. Make it. Enjoy it. Very worth it.Today, I made some awesome birthday celebration cookies (think home made Oreo cookies with sprinkles) for Noelle and Max's preschool. This is the last week before break and Tuesday seemed like a good day to celebrate their birthday's at school. The cookies look awesome and I hope the little munchkins enjoy them! Yep, I took pictures of them.
1 comment:
do i get awesome looking cookies on my birthday too??
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