Sunday, December 26, 2010

2010 Coming To A Close

2010 is ending. Another year has flown by, one that seems to have been a fairly eventful one. A year of celebration, tears, birth, death, love, and life. Reading what I just wrote, it seems like a year that most people go through, but it was so much more for me.

My favorite part of blogging is that I can easily go back and have a detailed account of the past year. Month by month see how the children have grown and what we have done. The forgotten phrases that were muttered, the visits to and from beloved family and friends, all documented and easily accessible. The wonder of technology is the essence of recollection for me.

We completed projects around the house, adding much needed space and play equipment to occupy time and expand imaginations. Both have been lovingly enjoyed and appreciated through the months.

A few unfortunate, noteworthy accidents have occurred. Two broken bones and two severely burned hands. Both things we hope not to repeat in 2011. The image of Max's distorted bone will forever be imprinted on my brain, as will the sight of scorched flesh by both Violette and Max.

At the end of February/beginning of March we found out that we were adding another wonderful blessing, Zane Michael, into our happy home. At first we were not sure if the pregnancy would continue on, but after many visits to the doctor we saw a strong heartbeat and I looked at the ultrasound screen believing and knowing (I was right, Tom thought the baby was a girl and I rubbed it in that he was, indeed, wrong) I was looking at a little boy. Born on October 19th, he is the perfect last addition to our family. We have completed our family in 2010. A big accomplishment and we shall continue to watch the children grow, mature, and enrich our lives in the year 2011 and beyond.

We experienced the death of my Grandma also in October. The circle of life continued on as she passed and shortly thereafter Zane was born. It has been difficult on all of the family. She is greatly loved and sorely missed. She passed away more quickly than I had anticipated. I wish I could spend just a little more time talking and laughing at the table while watching my children run around her house putting their chubby hands on everything in sight. She would feed them cookies galore and candy. I still can't believe she is gone, we constantly talk about her with the children as we have many cherished possessions in our house to remind us of her. Heaven is where she resides. Heaven is her new home. May she rest in peace and watch over us all.

I wish for a year filled with love, growth, and many blessings for all.

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