I thinking I'm inching towards that point of pregnancy. I'm not sure what it is, but I am just tired, always tired. Probably due to the multiple times a night I'm getting up with one, two, or three children. Even if it's just to calm them after a bad dream, I can't lay down and easily fall back to sleep. During the day I am finding it difficult to force myself to face the everyday chores. More often than not the laundry waits. Not to get too detailed, but I am on some medication that has an ugly side effect and that has me befriending the toilet more than any human should. If only I didn't have three little people as an audience I might consider it a nice break.
I have many more weeks left but at this particular point I'm whipped. The heat is adding to it, I'm sure. I hate the hot, hot, humid heat that has landed upon Michigan. The children won't go out to play in it, and I don't blame them. At the same time they want to go outside and ache for it, but the moment we slather ourselves with sunscreen and step out the turn right back around and complain, complain, complain about the heat.
Pink eye has settled upon our house too. That isn't helping matters. Noelle doesn't take well to being sick and this annoying irritant only intensifies her complaints. The goopy mess is not pretty and I understand her frustration with blurry vision, and crusted shut eyes. It's not fun. I do wish she would be a more passive patient. I'm not sure why I even expect anything but her demanding challenging self.
Violette has hit that age as well. An age that means Mom has to intervene more and more. She is such a cute little thing, but has a very evil streak running through her. She likes to hit and instigate fights with Noelle and Max. The children DO NOT play together well to begin with, then add a toddler that smiles and likes to walk up to hit a sibling on the head and then steal a toy, it makes for some days that never seem to end and are filled with endless shouting.
Although a bit of a trouble maker Violette is oh, so girly. She LOVES shoes, changing outfits, barrettes, and most things that Noelle has. For the first time we painted her toe nails and she is SO proud of them. They are sloppy, smeared and smudged, but she doesn't care. On top of her girlyness, she is adding more words to her vocabulary daily. The awkward pronunciations are adorable accompanying with a nod and "yeah" when I repeat the word to make sure I hear it right, is just precious.
Max is my biggest hurdle overcoming exhaustion. He's up SO early, early enough that Tom hasn't left for work yet. He isn't a morning person either. He wakes up loud and bossy and usually with screaming involved. I have to act quick before he wakes up the girls and my day begins on a sour note. I have tried being extra loving, cuddling him and showering him with love. That just makes him even more mad. He wants me near him, but not to close, and I can't look or talk to him. It's not a pleasant way to start the day. Because he gets up so early he is uber cranky for the entire day. He's in transitioning out of a day time (sniffle, sniffle) nap, but when he's up early he needs one. If he takes one getting him to bed is not easy and he is up late. One would assume that if he says up late he may sleep in a tad. No, that would be too easy, instead he's up early, only to begin another day in an awful mood. Noelle's transition out of a nap, around the exact same age, was much easier and more pleasant. Max and easy are not two words that seem to mesh well.
I don't want this rant to be misunderstood and thought as a bashing of Max. He is incredibly cute and has many times of sweetness throughout the day. When talking about the new baby he said, "The doctor will take him out and I will be so impressed. I will love him, hold him, and help you lots". He can make Violette laugh at the drop of a hat and has a new found love for me putting him to bed! One night we were reviewing the day and Max was talking about watching baseball with Daddy, "that boy had a wicked curve ball" he blurts out. He makes me chuckle often with his little phrases. Another example: when I wasn't feeling so well I rubbed my forehead and Max says, "do you want to curl up in a ball and cry Mommy?", concern was all over his sweet little face. Sigh, he really is a wonderful son.
I guess writing is therapeutic because I'm feeling more rejuvenated and ready to tackle some laundry and bathrooms. I guess that point in pregnancy hits every women and I just need to suck it up and move on. I still have a long way to go until little baby _____ is born.
No, the ____ isn't code for "a name has been picked but we aren't telling people". We are just blank. Neither of us love any particular name or agree on one. Again, we still have lots of time, but it's brought up daily so I'm sure we'll find something soon, or when we meet him.
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