Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend Number Three of June

June seems to be the month of adventures for us, as we again traveled a bit this weekend. Usually, we are home bodies, only traveling at most once a month, but June we have something going on each weekend that requires at least two hours of driving to our destination. It's wonderful for the children. .

We went up to Caro, Michigan for the day of Saturday. My good friend, Stacy and her family are the ones we were visiting. Noelle and Max get along well with her two children of similar ages, Jacob and Kelana. They offered to come to our house, but they have a pool so it was a no brainier that we would make the drive to take advantage of the water feature. Who doesn't love a pool in the summer?

Noelle was able to show off her new swimming skills, forgoing the life jacket for awhile. She did very well, still not exactly Michael Phelps in the pool, but for short distances she was able to swim and could hold her own. She would jump off the side and have no problem popping herself up and went on swimming. After a bit she was clearly tired and we put a life jacket on to aid in swimming.

Max did surprising well too. He hasn't been in a pool, besides a kiddie one, since last July when he was still a baby. We weren't sure what to expect, but we assumed he would just cling on to us. We put floaties on him and he would actually swim on his own! He had no problem jumping off the side by himself and he truly impressed Tom and I. I do believe it is time to start him in lessons as well this summer. I have been holding off because at his age I wasn't sure if it would be worth he price of a private lesson if all he was going to do was be scared of the water and spend time only getting familiar. I think he would actually get in to "real swimming" and not just the normal baby familiarity of water.

Violette wasn't interested in the pool much at all. She enjoyed walking around the edge throwing anything she could get her hands on into the pool so that one of her siblings would have to retrieve hit for her. She did take two pretty good falls, drawing some blood. It was adorable the way she examined her wound on her little knee, pinching it, wiping the blood, completely enthralled. She's had a few boo-boos here and there, but she was so interested this particular time. Violette is at that wonderful age where exploration of any and every thing beckons to her. The way she studies things and then interacts fascinates me. The toddler age is truly amazing and wonderful, even the third time around I get blown away by these little creatures on a daily basis!

Anyways, swimming was a huge hit for the older children. All in all it was a really fun visit and the children, along with the adults, enjoyed each other's company. We left after a nice dinner.

Sunday rolled around and we kind of celebrated Father's Day. I do believe that most Father's just want a day to themselves, watching whatever they want on TV and enjoying the peace and quiet. With small children that isn't an option! So instead we left Daddy sleep in a bit and picked up some Tim Horton's for breakfast. The rest of the day wasn't anything special but we enjoyed being around Tom and giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Tom is buying himself a Father's Day present that will be a handgun and then to go along with it a concealed weapons permit so he didn't get any presents from us.

Note Violette picking her nose, Max's shut eyes, and Tom's annoyed look at attempt number 50 at getting a picture!

Next weekend we complete our busy June and head up to Traverse City for some fun.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I am so impressed as to how the older two have taking to swimming! I also think Mia and Violette could have a blast getting into some mischief and exploration together. Reading about her reminded me a lot of the goings on in our home. I do love the last picture of Tom with Vi and Max! Priceless!