I went in to this ultrasound so excited to spend an hour staring at our fourth little miracle, hoping to also find out the sex of the baby. Well this child, like some of his/her siblings decided to keep their legs completely crossed the entire time. I was on my left side, my right side, on all fours and the baby just wouldn't cooperate today. I had told the tech that I wanted her to write down the sex so we could open as a family. In the end she told me that at first she was sure it was a girl, then she was sure she saw a penis, but then she just had no idea because a clear view wasn't possible. She couldn't even lean one way or the other because of the lack of a good genital view. Very frustrating, but luckily I will get more ultrasounds, one on Monday even. I'm sure as the pregnancy progresses little Baby R4 will reveal his/her sex to us. For now it will remain a mystery.
I did get to revel in the miracle of an almost 20 week baby. He/she was perfect, waving their little arms and flipping all around. The baby was difficult overall, not just with the gender reveal, because the technician had a hard time getting all the measurements. It seems all my children are just difficult in utero and out! Monday I will see my doctor and he'll go over all the results with me.
Update: After talking it over with Tom we have decided to just wait until the baby is born to find out the gender. The surprise will be fun for all.
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