Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hanging With The Feyes Family

Our good friends, that live too far away, came to visit with us on Sunday. Andy coaches swimming and had a meet in Adrian. It worked out that Amanda and the girls, who are so close in age to our girls, stayed at the house and Andy went off to coach. Our nieces, Tessa and Chloe Roehrig were also in town for the swim meet. Violette and I went to see them swim. It was wonderful being able to watch them and spend some time with our relatives. The girls did great and are very good in the water!

Noelle and Olivia got along well, having fun in the new play area of our basement. Mia and Violette are a bit too young to play together, but they played around each other. Mia is walking all over the place, and thankfully Violette didn't pick up much from her! Max and Noelle were completely smitten with Mia, calling her the most beautiful baby in the world. Noelle continued on to point out that Violette had a big nose, like Dad, and Mia had a beautiful small nose. Poor Violette just isn't appreciated by her siblings!

As always, we had a great time and can't wait to get together again.

Max isn't in any pictures because he has been very cranky since the beginning of last week. He isn't really sick, but he just isn't himself. Daily, scratch that, HOURLY screaming fits have become the normal and nothing seems to please him. He is always, as I frequently point out, difficult, but this is more and I can tell he just isn't himself. Tom came down Sunday night with something, either virus or food poisoning, that left him a slave to the Toilet Gods for most of Sunday night and Monday. Maybe Max has a lighter version of the same virus that Tom picked up? Who knows. I do know that my little boy is not Max, but has taken on a demon persona and we all hope he returns soon.


Amanda said...

We had a wonderful time and are so thankful for your hospitality! The basement looks great! None of us got sick, so I think it's a safe bet that if Tom got food poisoning it was his late night pizza and not your cooking Natalie. We hope to see you all again real soon. You're always welcome at our home.

Aunt ceecee said...

i think violettes nose is perfect! lol those kids of your are such characters!!