Thursday, January 21, 2010

Room For Visitors

We have more room now for visitors! On Saturday we had some friends over that had helped Tom with the trim. They have three children similar ages and with so much more room around the children had a blast taking all the toys out and playing together. I made a successful dinner (cooking is not something I have a ton of confidence in and whenever I make dinner I'm always afraid of poising our guests! hahaha!) and we enjoyed some wonderful adult conversation as the children played.

Tuesday, my friend Stacy and her two children Jacob (3) and Kelana (2) came to spend the night and keep us company. Max came down with a mild fever and was very irritable and out of commission for the most part. Violette was smiley and sweet as ever and Noelle bossed them around. Take note of the pictures that Violette is in. She is usually the only one looking at the camera AND giving a great smile. She is such a little ham!!

When it was time to leave my children were very sad to see them all go. We will meet up again soon!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I do love all of Vi's precious huge smiles. I can't wait to see how big she has gotten this weekend! I'm glad you are getting some use out of your new space. See you Sunday!