Friday, June 26, 2009

Slow Week

The title explains it all. It's been very slow around here. Today the children wanted a Happy Meal (one may think by "children" I mean Noelle, but Max is very talkative and opinionated these days. He is taking after his sister) so I took them out. This was our only trip out since picking up breakfast for Tom on Father's Day. Those two trips to get fast food are our only times out of the house in two weeks! Wow, that is sad, but we have nothing much to do, so that is life and to be frank, that is fine by me.

We did spend most of the week outside, when it was not stifling hot. The children love playing in the water, and are doing so as I write this post. On ridiculously hot days we stayed inside and played everything under the sun (or roof). Here are some pictures from the last few days. Noelle is big into me taking pictures of her doing things like jumping and twirling, as seen in these pictures:

The other day while disciplining Max, I was losing my temper a bit and Noelle says to me, "I can be a better Mom than you. You have to be patient and understanding with Max to get the best results." I am not kidding you! She picks up everything!

The children were up very early, before Tom left for work, and Tom said to Noelle, "If you are good today Mom will get out the p-o-o-l." Noelle knows how to spell this but without missing a beat Max says, "Pool, water".

While putting on makeup with Noelle in the bathroom I blurt out, "this heartburn is killing me". Noelle gets a very sullen look on her face and says, "Mommy don't die, I need you forever and ever." She gives me a big hug and puts her hand over my heart, "I want your heart to be better with my touch". I literally started crying.

Noelle could not open doors until she was past 2. Max has mastered this task and gets out of bed about 10 times before each nap and bedtime. He is exhausting, but so darn cute!


Amanda said...

As always, I love the pictures, especially Violette's gummy smile in the first photo. Most of all I love the stories of your kids. Noelle made my heart melt with a few of those, and Max is getting so darn smart!

the observer said...

Great post! Love those kids :) Darn cute indeed. I hope to see you soon... the painting is taking longer than they thought, but if you're free, we're on for a BBQ this Friday! Call me! XOXO

aunt ceecee said...

i tell you what... my neices and nephew are the CUTEST kids EVER!! i love you nat and give the babies big hugs and kisses from thier favorite auntie!!!