Monday, June 22, 2009

3 Magical Months

Miss Violette Adelle turned three months on June 17th. She has grown by leaps and bounds in these past three months. Her gummy smiles are now abundant and free flowing, especially towards her loving (I use this term loosely) siblings. She is sleeping very well, through the night and is awake a lot during the day. Chubby is her middle name, filling out her clothes and allowing us ample rolls to admire.
Her personality seems to fit right in with the rest of them. Demanding with a twist of sweetness. When she wants to be held, she wants to be held and she will scream her little head off until I pick her up, then all is quite and an instant smile appears. She has adapted the "it's my way or the highway" attitude that mirrors Noelle and Max, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love the challenge, it keeps me on my toes.
Violette does not like her pacifiers. Noelle and Max loved it, and Max still does. I keep trying to shove it in her mouth but she gnaws on it for a moment and out if falls and she could care less. I guess that will mean I will not have to wean her off of it, but at the same time it's a nice comfort for babies to have. We have noticed that she loves to suck on her fist. Her chubby little hands always smell of sweet (well, not really) baby saliva.
Her baby blue eyes seem to be fading to brown or hazel. Some days they look very blue then other days we stare at them and are not sure what is going to happen. I'm still holding onto the hope of blue eyes, but Noelle and Max are still pretty cute with their brown eyes. She did inherit Tom's insanely long eye lashes. They are dark and thick and very long. We are very blessed to have her apart of the family. She is a perfect fit.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Viollette sounds like she's growing and changing so much. I absolutely love the photo of her smiling on the sofa. Mia constantly is gnawing on her fists too. I think she makes herself puke doing this b/c she'll accidentally get a finger down her throat. You have a beautiful family!