Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another Post

I just figured I would post as much as possible over the next weeks because I have a feeling that once baby girl comes I won't be as diligent at posting until things settle down.

Friday the doorbell rang and Noelle instantly said, "I got a new package from Great Granma!". Sure enough she was right. It amazes me how much she loves receiving packages. She digs right in to the new clothes and wants to try every new outfit on! She is such a girl! Max also got some great new outfits, but had no interest in them. He quickly grabbed the garments and tossed them aside, only then to play with the box and his new stuffed puppy dog! When Tom arrived home from work the first thing she did was grab him and show off her new outfits, Max wanted to wrestle.
After being told that I need to spend as much time as possible taking it easy on the couch and not picking up the children they are beginning to get the drift and engage in play by themselves. Noelle has started to go outside by herself this past week. She is out there for minimal time and I stand at the door watching her the whole time. She walks around eating snow and chasing Zeus. Then she comes in and needs some hot chocolate right away. She loves the fresh air and is worn out and I don't have to do much in the way of entertaining her. A win win for all of us.
Here are just some more pictures because I feel like sharing.


Amanda said...

I love the bare buns! Glad to hear the pregnancy is still plugging along okay. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

boy i tell thats one cute family you got there!!! cant wait to see you guys this weekend and dexters excited too!