Monday, January 12, 2009

Bigger is Better

I thought I would mention that on December 30th Granpa Roehrig came to visit and bring Christmas and birthday presents for the children. He spent the night and we all had a great time. Max turned 1 on the 31st, as previously mentioned, and it was wonderful having Granpa around to celebrate and experience Max's first cake eating experience! Here are a few pictures:

This past weekend we braved the horrific roads and took a day trip down to Fort Wayne, Indiana to buy our new vehicle. We got a 2008 Dodge Durango, and we LOVE it! The children did amazing on the drive and in the dealership. Small amenities like a large fish tank, fountain pop, attentive sales people, a large TV, and plenty of toys made the wait a breeze for the kiddos. It seemed like we were the only people there buying a car so everyone wanted to play with the children! The drive back was just as treacherous, but we each had one child and that seemed to make the trip less tension filled. Now we are ready for a third, and then fourth (?) child to make an appearance.

And now some stories:

A Noelle analogy: "The drain is like my esophagus. The septic tank is like my stomach." I was impressed with this.

After using a stern voice telling Noelle not to do something she points her finger directly at me and says, "I think you are very crabby, you need a nap."

During another discipline session Noelle says to me, "It is not nice to yell at people, say your sorry!" Man, it's hard to get my point across.

I tell Max to get off the table at least 10 tens a day!

Max is now done with bottles, but has a hard time drinking whole milk. After spitting out yet another sip of his milk, Tom asked if it was good. He shook his head fiercely and said, "NO NO NO NO!"

If Noelle is having an off day she often comes up to us in a sad, weepy voice and says, "I'm having a bad day, I need love." It melts our hearts and we scoop her up for hugs and kisses.

Max is called Diego 90% of the time and Noelle refers to herself as Alicia. From the television show Go, Diego, Go

This coming weekend we are heading to Sturgis, in our nice big new (to us) SUV, and the following weekend it looks like we will be heading up to Traverse City. That will be it for traveling until after the baby comes. Hopefully we can get that darn basement done!!

Let me know some thoughts about the name Annabelle Grace Roehrig? I really like it and Tom seems to think it's okay.


Anonymous said...

did you know that our great, great, great aunt's name was Grace anna goodhur? so its beautiful and kinda a family name!

Natalie Roehrig said...

Goodhur? I would assume you meant your typing Charlotte!! lol