Max has discovered his hands this past month. He stares intently at his fists when he catches sight of them, as if he's just spied an unidentified flying object, then he brings both hands together and observes his fingers before shoving them into his mouth for a taste. He has also started to swipe at things and then clasp them when he's not swiping. Everything seems to find his to his mouth and then the gnawing begins.
I pull him up to sitting position or put him in his bumbo chair and he smiles with delight at his new vantage point. He can't sit up by himself, of course, but he can hold his head up fine, and his back seems strong enough. On his tummy he has started to push his hands and chest up to almost a 45 degree angle. Naturally he works himself up into a froth after a few minutes, and I have to pick him up to calm him down. It's tough being a baby. Rolling from stomach to back seems to be his new found skill. It doesn't happen all the time but enough that I have decided it isn't just a fluke. I have found him to roll from back to stomach a few times as well, but that, I believe, is still just an accidental rolling.
So that is an update on our little guy. On to this past weekend...
We decided it was long over due that we make a visit to see Great Grandma Roehrig. We wanted to formally introduce her to Max and show off our little Angel, Noelle Rose. Not a long drive at all had us in Warren just after noon. Visiting was wonderful and Noelle had no problem finding things to keep her busy and entertain us all. After an early dinner we headed back home. I think we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.
Noelle Stories:
While sorting through some of Max's clothes I kept holding up outfits and shouting at Tom to look at this one and that one. Noelle would pick up something and yell, "Tom, yook!" or "Yook Tom, yook!"
Today Noelle and I went to the grocery without Max, who was with a babysitter. On the radio Justin Timerlake's Sexy Back came on. Noelle began singing, "sexy back, yeah, yeah!" over and over. When the song ended she cried out "I want more sexy song, peas!"
After discovering a formal boo-boo had disappeared a very upset Noelle cries out, "where my boo-boo at Mommy Bear? Please get it back"
We went through the car wash and afterward a lovely little voice says, "Mommy Bear, I lub the car wash, sooo much"
Noelle now loves to sing random songs for instance: "Max cry all day yong! I get nakey all day yong! Zeusy black all day yong!". Sometimes she sits at her little piano and plays music while singing.
Another song she sings is the combination of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jingle Bells, Noel, and the ABC's. It is a very interesting mix!