Monday, March 31, 2008

Maximilian The Great

Our little man is three months old today. Amazing how time flies. Max is so delicious these days that I can't stand to tear myself away from him during his waking hours. And since he's starting to spend a lot more time awake, playing with him is taking up a much bigger piece of our day. This doesn't bode well for the housework!

Max has discovered his hands this past month. He stares intently at his fists when he catches sight of them, as if he's just spied an unidentified flying object, then he brings both hands together and observes his fingers before shoving them into his mouth for a taste. He has also started to swipe at things and then clasp them when he's not swiping. Everything seems to find his to his mouth and then the gnawing begins.

I pull him up to sitting position or put him in his bumbo chair and he smiles with delight at his new vantage point. He can't sit up by himself, of course, but he can hold his head up fine, and his back seems strong enough. On his tummy he has started to push his hands and chest up to almost a 45 degree angle. Naturally he works himself up into a froth after a few minutes, and I have to pick him up to calm him down. It's tough being a baby. Rolling from stomach to back seems to be his new found skill. It doesn't happen all the time but enough that I have decided it isn't just a fluke. I have found him to roll from back to stomach a few times as well, but that, I believe, is still just an accidental rolling.

So that is an update on our little guy. On to this past weekend...

We decided it was long over due that we make a visit to see Great Grandma Roehrig. We wanted to formally introduce her to Max and show off our little Angel, Noelle Rose. Not a long drive at all had us in Warren just after noon. Visiting was wonderful and Noelle had no problem finding things to keep her busy and entertain us all. After an early dinner we headed back home. I think we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.

Noelle Stories:

While sorting through some of Max's clothes I kept holding up outfits and shouting at Tom to look at this one and that one. Noelle would pick up something and yell, "Tom, yook!" or "Yook Tom, yook!"

Today Noelle and I went to the grocery without Max, who was with a babysitter. On the radio Justin Timerlake's Sexy Back came on. Noelle began singing, "sexy back, yeah, yeah!" over and over. When the song ended she cried out "I want more sexy song, peas!"

After discovering a formal boo-boo had disappeared a very upset Noelle cries out, "where my boo-boo at Mommy Bear? Please get it back"

We went through the car wash and afterward a lovely little voice says, "Mommy Bear, I lub the car wash, sooo much"

Noelle now loves to sing random songs for instance: "Max cry all day yong! I get nakey all day yong! Zeusy black all day yong!". Sometimes she sits at her little piano and plays music while singing.

Another song she sings is the combination of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jingle Bells, Noel, and the ABC's. It is a very interesting mix!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just For Fun

Can you tell the difference? Leave a comment!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Little Travelers

As I have said before, the only positive outcome of having far away family is that it breeds great travelers. Noelle is a pro at the five hour car ride and handles it with stride, of course the DVD player helps out considerably. We hoped Max would handle his first trip as well as his big sis. Being only a mere two and a half months, Max slept 90% of the time, big surprise there. Occasionally I would hear a squawk and reach back to plug him back up with the pacifier. He would fall back into a car induced sleep and that was that. One pit stop was required for all of us to fill all of our tanks and off we continued. Noelle was overwhelmed with joy at finally being able to see her beloved Uncle. All week long the anticipation had been building and Tom and I were about sick of hearing about going to Uncle's house! We made it up there about 2pm and the fun started.

That evening after bath time we decided that Noelle needed to try her hand at dying Easter eggs. The cups were filled and all was ready. We told Noelle to put an egg into the cup. Never thinking that specific directions as to how to put the egg in, very very gentle, were needed. Noelle jumped right in. She literally whipped the egg at the little dish and magically made it in. A huge splash of purple water went everywhere! Now Granma and Granpa have purple stained grout to remember this occasion by! After that little fiasco was cleaned up Noelle very much enjoyed making the eggs all different colors and then putting the stickers on at the end.

Saturday was spent hanging around enjoying each other's company. Tom and I were able to get out and do some last minute Easter shopping at Toys R Us. We went up and down the aisles wanting to buy almost every thing we came in contact with. After much consideration we settled on some little things for the children.

Back at the house we worked at preparing a yummy dinner to celebrate Easter when Granma came home from work. Noelle kept every one entertained with her antics through out the day. It seemed that her little voice reined supreme over the house and had everyone busting at the seams with every phrase that came from her sweet little lips. (On a side note: Doesn't my Mom look so young holding Max!)

After dinner Noelle opened her Easter presents. She made out very well getting lots of great presents. She received a dress up set from Uncle Alex and Aunt CeeCee. The pink feathered tiara, wand, and accompanying jewelry was too hard for Uncle to resist and he had to put it all on. Now, I may get in some trouble by putting the picture up, but what are big sisters for!?

The Easter bunny came and Noelle was very excited Sunday morning. Finding the hidden eggs were a big hit. A ridiculously bright smile appeared on her face every time she came across a well hidden egg. She was a riot to watch and we all had smiles planted on our faces as she searched high and low for eggs. There were also a bunch of plastic eggs hidden in the basement that kept her occupied for some time. Max was oblivious to the excited, what else would you expect for a two and a half month old!

After the excitement died down we packed up. It truly is hard to leave. For me it gets worse every time because the children are getting older (Noelle for the most part) and becoming more and more attached to their Granma, Granpa, and Uncle Alex. For days afterward she recalls many details and tells me story after story. If only we could live closer! For now we will have to settle for visiting as much as possible.

Here are some more pictures for those interested:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another Week Gone By

Life is going on as it goes on. We are staying busy doing things around the house and keeping the children entertained best to our ability. Aunt CeeCee made another visit this week, in on Sunday and out on Wednesday. We always have a great time with her in the house. An adult around me all the time to talk to, oh how I love to talk. Tuesday I decided that Noelle needed a trip to the McDonald's Play Place, which was a HUGE hit, good thinking Mom. In the beginning Charlotte and I took turns (Charlotte doing way more than I) climbing through the maze with her and sliding down the big slide. By the end Noelle was climbing up, and going through all the different obstacles with only a little bit of coxing. On the way home Noelle told us "I ready for nap!". What a great way to tire out a two year old.
Tom and I were able to go out on another Date Night. Both of us thoroughly enjoy spending some time alone, gazing into each other's eyes. Oh wait, we are married, that ship has sailed! Anyways, it is so wonderful to just have a conversation without constant interruptions, no tugging on my leg or a high pitched voice saying/shrieking "Mommy Bear..." or "Daddy boy..." (those are our new names). We find that most of the time we end up telling stories about the children, but hey, I guess that is what happens when you become parents. There is no escape from them and honestly I would never want it any other way.

I have noticed that our little Noelle has been experiencing a run of tantrums. Some days I get by with only a weak one and then other days are filled with one after another. She is two, so I guess it's normal, but boy does it take it's toll on a Mother. Patience, sweet patience, is the one thing I strive to keep in my focus as I try and deal. After her time out is over she runs into my arms and says in a voice that can only be describes as eeyore-esque, "I so sorry Mommy Bear". All is then forgotten and we move on. Thinking about it as I write, I guess the tantrums are not that bad and very short lived. Max is doing great. Gaining chub on a daily basis. He has officially "woken up" to the world. He spends a great deal more time kicking his legs, cooing, squealing, and laughing. He's enchanting to watch. Noelle is great entertainment for him and I find myself sitting back and truly enjoying the brother-sister love connection that is growing stronger and stronger. Some days the connection is a bit more connected than Max likes and I quickly jump in before tears begin to flow. My favorite is when Noelle looks intently and proclaims, "Baby Max real real cute!". The ever so wonderful phrase "I lub my brodder" melts my heart too.

This week we are headed up to Traverse City for Easter. That also means it will be our first away trip with both children. I'm not too enthusiastic about the long drive and will spend most of the week trying to get every detail in order before we leave. In my mind if I prepare for the worst (a five hour drive with two screaming babies, no sleep, a very fussy Maximilian, Noelle throwing multiple tantrums) I will be able to handle anything that is thrown my way.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Matching Diva

Last night we had a friend come and visit. Sebastian and Noelle had a wonderful time playing together after overcoming their initial shyness. They actually shared very well and played together like old pals. After Sebastian left Noelle was very sad and talked about him a lot.

Before bedtime I promised to get out her tricycle and practice pedaling with her today. As soon as she woke up she remembered my promise and begged for the tricycle. I thought it might be a good idea to put some real clothes on but as I got the tricycle out she instantly noticed that her purple shirt was a perfect match to the tricycle. She looked at me and said, "I no want change shirt. My shirt match my bike!". I can understand why a two year old needs to match her bike, that's a given! What a little Diva!

One little story that made me laugh today:

While putting away dishes Noelle came up to me and shouted "Cuse me Mommy!". I asked her what she wanted and she said, "Cuse me Mommy I tooted very yittle. No worry Mommy it just a teeny tiny toot. I promise!".

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chubs McGee

We have reached the two month mark. I can not imagine life without my two wonderful, beautiful, amazing children. Maximilian has been a complete joy and the best addition to our lives.

At Max's two month well baby visit he weighed in at 10 lbs. 9 oz and 22 3/8 inches long, both falling in the 15-25th percentile range. Tom and I are in love with his chunky thighs, meaty arms, kissable cheeks, and double chins. Having never been privy to this wonderful chub before we are enthralled! His head circumference came in around the 10th percentile, my children both have small heads! Although he does suffer from torticollis (a condition in which the child's neck turns to only one side) I have been diligently working to correct it and according to the doctor it is paying off. He does not need to attend addition physical therapy. That's a load off my back because the thought of taking Noelle along with me is very unappealing. Every thing else is growing and developing just as is should be.

The time came for Max to receive four immunization shots. I had no idea what to expect from Noelle. Sure enough she told the two nurses, "Peas no hurt brother Max." They both looked at me and felt very badly. I had to hold down Max and Noelle sat on the chair clutching Bear and muttering in a very pitiful voice, "I snuggle my Bear". After it was done I was able to console both of them in my arms and soon all was well. The rest of the evening was spent recounting the events of the day.

Thankfully we are now facing a very agreeable sleep schedule with Max. He has his last feeding between 9pm and 9:30pm and into bed he goes. Usually he wakes between 5am and 6am for a feeding and falls back to sleep until Noelle wakes up. I am very confident that soon he will be dropping his early morning feeding and sleeping through the night. Life is better when I get more sleep.

Awake time is being stretched out. Noelle and I encounter many smiles and laughs these days, which seems to make both of us smile more. Every thing about Max is growing and changing. His head control is basically fully developed and I don't have to worry about a bobble-head-baby anymore. Personality wise we are still trying to figure him out. He seems pretty laid back and nonchalant, but that may change with time. We are enjoying him thoroughly!