Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Trip To Alpena and Now A Cold

Saturday, Noelle and I drove up to Alpena to help out my friend. Stacy suffered some ill effects while giving birth to her daughter and I wanted to help her out. We stayed until Tuesday and Noelle and I tried to keep Jacob, who is 15 months old, occupied while Stacy took care of Kelana. I'm not sure how much help I actually was, but I hope I offered at least, some company.

Noelle and Jacob are still too young to understand the concept of playing together and there was a lot of both wanting the same toy. We took two trips to the park which was a lot of fun. By the time we left they figured out that chasing each other around the house can be a lot of fun and induce much laughter while doing it! Luckily, they kept pretty much the same schedule and were able to nap at the same time and go to bed together.

Kelana is a beautiful little girl. I have completely forgotten how little and wonderful newborns can be. I really enjoyed being around Kelana and getting to know her so early in her life. It made me get more excited about my little one to come and start to picture myself with two children. I am really glad I was able to drive up and spend time with Jacob, Kelana, and Stacy. It's too bad Stacy will be back in Japan when my little boy comes. Maybe when we have number three or four she will be around!!

Noelle was again very interested in the baby and loved to sit by the person feeding her. She also enjoy gently touching and looking at her. She didn't show any aggression toward Kelana, but there were times when she did get a bit upset and only wanted to "snuvvle" (snuggle) mommy and wouldn't let me put her down. I think she will do well when the baby comes, but she will definitely need some one on one time and extra snuggle time. Noelle is very used to snuggling with Tom and I before and after all naps along with just some random down times during the day. On the weekends we enjoy taking Noelle into bed with us when she wakes and just talking and playing with. I never realized how "snugly" of a child she was until comparing her with others that want nothing to do with snuggling and she asks for it all the time during the day. I guess there could be lots worse! I treasure every time she runs up to me and says "snuvvle mommy" and she usually adds a "tease" (please) in there. How could any sane person turn down that polite request?

We came back Tuesday. Noelle and I had just started to both come down with colds. Wednesday morning brought a fever and worsening of our colds. Stuffy noses, and sore throats, along with fevers seem to have taken control of us for now. Plans for this weekend include me getting lots of rest and not doing much! Hopefully we can get over this cold and back to normal next week.

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