Friday, September 7, 2007

Traverse City

Over the Holiday weekend we braved the horrendous traffic and went Up North. My parents just moved to Traverse City so we went there to check out their new house. It was a wonderful trip and while we were there my parents had their 25th Wedding Anniversary. My sister surprised everyone by showing up Saturday afternoon, we all thought she was working and wouldn't be able to join us.

Noelle was instantly attached to Abigail, my Mom's German Shepard. She loved to say her name, lay on her and just be around her. Of course, Uncle Alex was again a big favorite. Unfortunately, Noelle had a little cold with a fever and that left her a tad bit cranky. During the move my parents saved a bunch of toys from our childhood and Grandpa got them out. Noelle was very interested in a little fishing set and some dinosaurs! I think she likes anything new and different.

We also went over our baby books combined with many priceless pieces of original artwork! My Mom did a wonderful job of saving almost everything for all three of us. From report cards, to sample writings, and everything in between. It gave me a big reminder to really keep up on Noelle's baby book and to start saving all her wonderful creations.

On Sunday afternoon we drove back home. We wanted to have Monday at home just relaxing and not spent fighting tons of traffic.

The rest of this week Noelle and I have basically not done much. I did not take any pictures while we were in Traverse City, but here are some taken yesterday while Noelle enjoy some art time.

P.S. Congratulations to my good friend Stacy Zbytowski and her husband Eric. Yesterday, September 6th, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl Kelana Marie, 9lbs. 7oz. and 21 inches long.

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