These last few weeks have been especially hard and the crying has increased. I'm sure it's the combination of being around a toddler that seems to think Mom is synonymous with the need to whine over everything, and just being pregnant. Also, Noelle and I have not had a break from each other. I feel guilty sometimes that her bedtime and nap times are very welcomed and some days I have a mental countdown going!
Tom has noticed how on edge and emotional I have been. He suggested that he take Noelle for me on Friday and go to his Dad's house in Sturgis. A whole night and day by myself. I cried at how much I needed the break. I cried at the sheer wonderfulness of the thought. I cried because I know that he loves me. I also cried at the thought of being away from both of them.
They left around five yesterday evening. Since then I have just enjoyed myself. I have relaxed and watched a ton of mindless TV. I woke up because I was ready and not because of a little voice calling for me. I usually take a shower during Noelle's nap time, or with her playing in the bathroom. Today I had the radio blaring and I sang my heart out! My legs are the smoothest they have been in a long time due to the fact that I was able to take my time and not miss spots on a leg! My hair and makeup are actually done! I feel rejuvenated and I still have about seven hours left to enjoy.
I honestly needed this break. This is the best gift Tom could have given me. Diamonds have nothing on Alone Time! My Husband Loves Me and I Love Him!!
Also this week I was able to go in for another ultrasound. We are still definitely having a boy! He is getting much bigger and is really kicking me! He now weighs a little over a pound and is about 12-13 inches. My due date is still January 20th, he will be born about a week before that, and I will go back in on Tuesday to go over the results with the doctor. We are still thinking of names and Maximilian (he would be called Max) seems to be sticking with us, for now. It will probably change a ton of times before he is born, but for now we seem to like it.
Well I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Alone Day. I think I may venture out to get some fast food! Yummy!!