Saturday, September 29, 2007

Husband Love

Hormones are something that men don't always understand. Pregnancy hormones are something no one understands. At around 24 weeks pregnant my hormones have invaded and taken over my life. Being a man, Tom doesn't always understand why I sob over commercials, or when he walks in the door at night. He has learned not to even ask why I'm crying, but to come and hug me as I cry and let me release some built up hormones.
These last few weeks have been especially hard and the crying has increased. I'm sure it's the combination of being around a toddler that seems to think Mom is synonymous with the need to whine over everything, and just being pregnant. Also, Noelle and I have not had a break from each other. I feel guilty sometimes that her bedtime and nap times are very welcomed and some days I have a mental countdown going!

Tom has noticed how on edge and emotional I have been. He suggested that he take Noelle for me on Friday and go to his Dad's house in Sturgis. A whole night and day by myself. I cried at how much I needed the break. I cried at the sheer wonderfulness of the thought. I cried because I know that he loves me. I also cried at the thought of being away from both of them.

They left around five yesterday evening. Since then I have just enjoyed myself. I have relaxed and watched a ton of mindless TV. I woke up because I was ready and not because of a little voice calling for me. I usually take a shower during Noelle's nap time, or with her playing in the bathroom. Today I had the radio blaring and I sang my heart out! My legs are the smoothest they have been in a long time due to the fact that I was able to take my time and not miss spots on a leg! My hair and makeup are actually done! I feel rejuvenated and I still have about seven hours left to enjoy.

I honestly needed this break. This is the best gift Tom could have given me. Diamonds have nothing on Alone Time! My Husband Loves Me and I Love Him!!

Also this week I was able to go in for another ultrasound. We are still definitely having a boy! He is getting much bigger and is really kicking me! He now weighs a little over a pound and is about 12-13 inches. My due date is still January 20th, he will be born about a week before that, and I will go back in on Tuesday to go over the results with the doctor. We are still thinking of names and Maximilian (he would be called Max) seems to be sticking with us, for now. It will probably change a ton of times before he is born, but for now we seem to like it.
Well I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Alone Day. I think I may venture out to get some fast food! Yummy!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Trip To Alpena and Now A Cold

Saturday, Noelle and I drove up to Alpena to help out my friend. Stacy suffered some ill effects while giving birth to her daughter and I wanted to help her out. We stayed until Tuesday and Noelle and I tried to keep Jacob, who is 15 months old, occupied while Stacy took care of Kelana. I'm not sure how much help I actually was, but I hope I offered at least, some company.

Noelle and Jacob are still too young to understand the concept of playing together and there was a lot of both wanting the same toy. We took two trips to the park which was a lot of fun. By the time we left they figured out that chasing each other around the house can be a lot of fun and induce much laughter while doing it! Luckily, they kept pretty much the same schedule and were able to nap at the same time and go to bed together.

Kelana is a beautiful little girl. I have completely forgotten how little and wonderful newborns can be. I really enjoyed being around Kelana and getting to know her so early in her life. It made me get more excited about my little one to come and start to picture myself with two children. I am really glad I was able to drive up and spend time with Jacob, Kelana, and Stacy. It's too bad Stacy will be back in Japan when my little boy comes. Maybe when we have number three or four she will be around!!

Noelle was again very interested in the baby and loved to sit by the person feeding her. She also enjoy gently touching and looking at her. She didn't show any aggression toward Kelana, but there were times when she did get a bit upset and only wanted to "snuvvle" (snuggle) mommy and wouldn't let me put her down. I think she will do well when the baby comes, but she will definitely need some one on one time and extra snuggle time. Noelle is very used to snuggling with Tom and I before and after all naps along with just some random down times during the day. On the weekends we enjoy taking Noelle into bed with us when she wakes and just talking and playing with. I never realized how "snugly" of a child she was until comparing her with others that want nothing to do with snuggling and she asks for it all the time during the day. I guess there could be lots worse! I treasure every time she runs up to me and says "snuvvle mommy" and she usually adds a "tease" (please) in there. How could any sane person turn down that polite request?

We came back Tuesday. Noelle and I had just started to both come down with colds. Wednesday morning brought a fever and worsening of our colds. Stuffy noses, and sore throats, along with fevers seem to have taken control of us for now. Plans for this weekend include me getting lots of rest and not doing much! Hopefully we can get over this cold and back to normal next week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Big Girl Bed!!

This week I decided to tackle the obstacle of moving Miss Noelle from a crib to a bed. With the new baby coming I wanted to give ample time to get acquainted with a new bed. Over the weekend we went and bought the rails to add onto a bed that was already in her room. I thought it would be a long struggle taking about a week for her to get used to the new place.

I was wrong. Monday's nap was the first time in the bed and she was thrilled with the idea. She repeated "big girl" over and over while I situated all of her "guys" (stuffed animals are affectionately referred to as "guys") around the bed. She got out a few times and I put her right back in. She ended up taking a very long nap. When she woke up she climbed down and I could hear her little hands trying desperately to turn the door knob. Luckily, she isn't tall enough to have the leverage to fully turn and push and open up the door yet, I'm sure that will come quicker than I would like!

Tom and I were sure that because she took a nap well it didn't mean the first full night in the bed would be successful. Again, we were wrong. We went through our usual night time routine of a bath and snuggling while reading books. Tom and I kept looking at each other knowing that our little girl was going to be sleeping her first night not her in crib. For us it was very emotional. We put her into the bed with plenty of kisses and love then shut the door. I know that tears welled up in my eyes! She barely made a peep and slept until the morning! Noelle was completely ready for the transition from baby to little girl, her Mom and Dad on the other hand still only see our baby and probably will for a long time to come!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Traverse City

Over the Holiday weekend we braved the horrendous traffic and went Up North. My parents just moved to Traverse City so we went there to check out their new house. It was a wonderful trip and while we were there my parents had their 25th Wedding Anniversary. My sister surprised everyone by showing up Saturday afternoon, we all thought she was working and wouldn't be able to join us.

Noelle was instantly attached to Abigail, my Mom's German Shepard. She loved to say her name, lay on her and just be around her. Of course, Uncle Alex was again a big favorite. Unfortunately, Noelle had a little cold with a fever and that left her a tad bit cranky. During the move my parents saved a bunch of toys from our childhood and Grandpa got them out. Noelle was very interested in a little fishing set and some dinosaurs! I think she likes anything new and different.

We also went over our baby books combined with many priceless pieces of original artwork! My Mom did a wonderful job of saving almost everything for all three of us. From report cards, to sample writings, and everything in between. It gave me a big reminder to really keep up on Noelle's baby book and to start saving all her wonderful creations.

On Sunday afternoon we drove back home. We wanted to have Monday at home just relaxing and not spent fighting tons of traffic.

The rest of this week Noelle and I have basically not done much. I did not take any pictures while we were in Traverse City, but here are some taken yesterday while Noelle enjoy some art time.

P.S. Congratulations to my good friend Stacy Zbytowski and her husband Eric. Yesterday, September 6th, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl Kelana Marie, 9lbs. 7oz. and 21 inches long.