Monday, November 23, 2015

That Time Of Year

I'm not sure if it's the many times I've been let down, the disappointment of one thing, and receiving another, but when the weatherperson predicts a snow storm I half heartedly listen.  I don't really believe them. I listen but have so much built up doubt from so many let downs of big snowfall projections and waking up to dustings on the ground.  So, when I heard the weekend predictions of 5: to 8" and 1" to 3", I went with the smaller measurements, inwardly hoping for the large dumping of snow.

It was so lovely to see the snow start Friday evening and continue on during most of the day Saturday.  She  (mother nature) was beautiful as she opened up and continued to release her clouds of plump and fast falling snow tendrils. It coated the branches, wrapping them up and beautifying the newly naked trees. The sight out of the windows had us all captivated, we couldn't stop staring at her beautiful self.

Soon just watching the snow was not enough.  They all had to be in it.  They wanted to run, jump, fall, eat, and play in the this forgotten wonderfulness that is snow.  Can the first snowfall and accumulation, be anything but magic?  Nope.  Not when you are 5, 6, 7, and 9 years old.  White falling powder is magic, it's gorgeous and wondrous, and everything, falling gently to the ground.

The temperature hoovered around freezing.  Wet and heavy, but perfectly packable was the snow.  That meant it was just right for snowman time.  Violette, unknown to me, had a fever and was still outside, skillfully forming a large ball as she worked it around the yard.  Rolling and rolling and it grew bigger and bigger.  That little feverish one, was determined and quietly worked.

Hours went by, the wet snow soaking into their gear, it was time to come in.  Homemade hot cocoa bubbled away on the stove (instant is not allowed) waiting to be consumed.  Sugar, cocoa powder, milk, vanilla, brought to a simmer makes just the right drink to warm up and fuel yourself after hours in the newly fallen snow. Despite a blanket and cocoa, Violette still shivered and as I lay my hand on her forehead the heat radiated off.  Yep, she was sick.  I shook my head and smiled to myself.  Amused that my little trooper never let on that she wasn't feeling well

The snow continued to fall until we received right around 7 inches.  With Thanksgiving coming this week, the snow ushered us into the Holiday season perfectly.  Yeah, it will probably all melt this week, but regardless, the season is upon us.  We hauled the crates of decorations out and even bought a small fake tree to set up for the children.  It's nothing special, but they made it theirs. They adorned the tree with all their homemade ornaments made over the years.  Last night I even found Max laying under the small tree, observing the twinkling colorful lights as he look toward the top.  He was alone and he was in the zone, peaceful and unaware of me spying on him.  

Sunday brought sunshine and more eaager children to get outside and just play in the snow.  My yard looks like a confusing game of follow the leader with footprints going and leading nowhere yet you can imagine the fun that was had.  It's a sign of a good time.  Snow Angels a plopped here and there, some easy to make out, others taking on more of a interpretative form.  

The children could not contain their joy as they had forgotten how the sun makes the snow sparkler like millions of diamonds dancing on the branches, ground, and houses.  Their happiness was adorable, and I must admit that the sparkling snow was a pretty majestic sight and that turned everything gorgeous. 

 The snow is still here today and the new ritual of packing up all their snow gear for school has started.  Home will be brought sopping boots and snowpants, missing gloves, and lopsided hats.  Max will most likely lose about five pairs over the course of the next few months, and Noelle will keep everything neat and tidy.  Violette will probably lose at least one pair and insist it wasn't her fault.  I can only chuckle and deal!

Thanksgiving happens Thursday, which means Tom will be home Wednesday night and that means this week will be a nice and easy one!

Oh, I forgot to mention that last week Tom and I met with all the children's teachers for conferences.  As to be expected, they are doing very well.  Max's teacher was seriously in shock when we mentioned that he is our most difficult child at home.  He is constantly being caught going above and beyond in class (for example putting away all the books that another students took off the shelf, without being asked) and will be getting another leadership award for the year.  I guess he gets all the naughty out at home!  Violette has greatly improved with her reading, like we are talking more than doubled her sight word knowledge since September.  Noelle had glowing reviews from her teacher as well.  

It is so lovely to hear such nice things about your children from teachers.  Evenings are very tough for us now that Tom is gone most nights.  I struggle with appreciating them.  I struggle with finding the good through all the screaming and crying and business.  Hearing kind words and praise from the teachers forces me to take a deep breath and smile and give them all hugs.  

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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