Monday, February 16, 2015

Catch Up

It's Monday February 16th, President's Day.  The children have no school.  Maximilian is hindered with a bug, high fever and cough has consumed him.  The weather is a balmy 5 degrees with the windchill well below zero.  A great day to snuggle, play, and catch up on my blog!

In January despite the sadness of my Grandpa's funeral we were blessed with staying in an old friend of my Dad's beautiful house.  It was a welcoming place and took a bit of the sadness out of the funeral away.  The children had fun in the enormous pool house and hot tub!

Zane and his Zombie obsession continues
Noelle loves Cyrus
 A trip to McDonald's playplace made a snow day better
Maizey turned 3 on the the 23rd of January and we headed to Charlotte's house to celebrate with my parents! The weather was perfect for time out in the snow, building a snowman, taking a sled ride on the tractor, and having snowball fights!

Noelle had the priveledge of performing a song in front of the January Tecumseh School Board meeting.  She stated she wasn't even nervous and did a great job!
Max played basketball for a quick little after school league and had one game against another elementary school during the half time of the High School boys game.  He had a great time!

Noelle picked out new glasses all by herself, I think she did a nice job.
Zane said the prayer at Thursday School! 

Sutton Elementary had it's annual Dance A Thon that I went to watch.  Violette was very focused on performing the dances.  Other kindergarteners got bored and did their own thing, Violette remained focused on the right moves at the right times during the whole thing!  It was so much fun to watch! 
Max had fun too! What a great way to raise money, without having to sell anything.  As a parent, I'm very happy with this idea! 

That's about all that is going on right now.  Here are some more pictures of the children through out the last few months:

His Funeral

I wish taking constant pictures between sobs was acceptable during a funeral.  I wish I could've captured the generous audience that gathered to mourn Grandpa's passing and celebrate the extraordinary life that he led.

I didn't take pictures but a handful of memories are very clear and present in my mind.  One being the the granddaughters gathered in a circle, heads bent, hands clasped as we prayed before walking the casket up the aisle to begin the funeral.  Tears were present in all our eyes, but the grip on each other was held strong.  It was a circle of beautiful, strong women, a circle that Grandma and Grandpa were proud of and I know they looked down on us from heaven.

There was this bond between them, a bond that my words could never completely convery.  They were meant for each other, in the true essence of the words.  They were the a couple that I grew up admiring and smiling at.  He was the ying to her yang, the peanut butter to her jelly, the match that was truly made in heaven.

I remember their morning routine, observed many times while visiting them in Florida.  They made the bed together, they read the paper together, talked to each other, paid bills together, they had a this connection that seriously worked on many levels.  There was an openness  and comfortableness between them that I had the pleasure of seeing.  Not only did I see this in them, but I have always known my parents marriage was closely modeled after that.  Affection was not saved for rare occasions, it was spread freely in frequent hugs and kisses, and subtly seen in the holding of hands, arms around each other and intimate glaces during mundane tasks.  They were a beautiful couple that has been eternally reunited in Heaven.

Back to the funeral... Tom and I were able to grieve and let the tears flow freely, as the children were not around.  They were cared for at my aunt's house by a local babysitter.  This was a gift unto itself.  They are wonderful children, but I would've had to hold back the emotion that was bubbling up inside, withstrain the sadness to spare their innocent eyes and naive hearts.  They know he is gone, they cried their tears and we mourned at home telling many stories of happy times with him.  This was my turn, my Mom's turn, my Aunt's turn to grieve and say goodbye, and that we did.

The Pastor's sermon was personal and heartfelt, touching on Grandpa's generous spirit and gracious life, while helping us mourn with purpose.  As during my Grandma's funeral a poem was read by my Aunt Shawn and the other five, beautiful, strong, daughters gathered behind her, all holding hands.  The pain was in their faces, the broken hearts could be seen from losing their remaining parent, but the strength and love that resonated from the six of them could be felt through the sanctuary.  I have to include the poem:
Our Dad

When Charles Henry was born, our world was blessed,
As husband, Dad, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather - He was the best!

Gentle and kind, always quick to smile
With a sparkle in his eye, he always went the extra mile

Here we all  gather, to give God thanks and praise
For Dads life here on Earth, even if we wanted more days.

But back to the beginning so we all may know
What his life was about, and how he did grow

Into some teen trouble he got, just a car he did borrow
Prompting military school with borrowing sorrow

After that off to War, to Army Intelligence he was promoted
When he finally came home, numerous medals were noted

Then U of D Mercy and Detroit College of Law
And joined the family business and took up a saw

Many homes they would build, C.W. Babcock and Sons 
Detroit and Grosse Pointe Bungalows, they were number one!

And in 1957, he married his blind date
And not too soon after, it was a family of eight

Six girls in seven years, a son would never be,
But never a complaint would he say, just "thank God she's healthy!"

With pixie hair cuts, matching hats and gloves
White paten-leather purses, we were so very loved

All dressed alike, God's love he would show
Taking us weekly to Church, six little girls in a row!

Vacations to Florida, a Greyhound bus converted to camper
Whatever we needed, he made sure we were spoiled and pampered

When we wished for a farm, with six horses we could ride
He built us Pond 'a' Bush, with a huge barn and arena inside!

Like boys we were raised, working outdoors by his side
Manual labor no big deal, his work ethic taught with pride

Then to the teen years, sometimes not so much fun,
Keeping us all on a straight path, a new chapter had begun.

Six teenage girls - A challenge, monthly moods and Saturday nights
Yet my father prevailed - with wisdom and insight! 

Dad the protector, watching out for our curfew
Should we miss or be late, he would find us we knew

Lessons he encouraged, from flying to scuba diving
Whatever we wanted, as long as we kept trying

As Youth Exchange students, he sent us overseas
A larger world to explore, experience and see

His love unconditional, no matter what mistakes we all made
But we still dreaded, and disappointment displayed

An Education is so important, he would always stress
Supporting his 6 girls to college and success

He also gave his grandchildren a change to attend college
A trust fund he created, so they could gain knowledge

Through six of everything - from driving permits to weddings
Always offering his guidance, his love kept spreading!

He taught us six girls, to stand strong but be kind
Always follow your heart....and what others think...never mind

Family time was important - love and laughter were key
He spoiled all of us, even to Alaska times three

From marriages to births, he was always there
To offer help and advice, looking out for our welfare

He showed us the importance of attitude, strong faith and giving
"Treat everyone with respect" - such a great example he was living

From "Up in the morning, out on the job" to "always do what's right"
To "knowledge is power"...too many Chuck-isms to recite

Happiness is a choice, he often said
Bad things will happen, but choose to wake up happy instead

He was an avid volunteer, too many organizations to name
Teaching by example, not words, his aim

Through the rest of our years, we will continue to grieve
But now he's with Christ, surrounded by love, we believe

We'll watch over each other Dad, our strong sister love
Remembering your example, and guidance from above

Dear Lord, thanks so much for giving us our Dad
For us, he was the best father anyone ever had

We must say Goodbye dad, thanks so much for sharing
Your love, your life, your lessons and caring

Into our heart, your memories will forever stay
And when we need guidance, we'll remember "Chuck's way"

Although we miss you so much Dad, the empty feeling so strong
Were glad you're with Mom in Heaven, that's just where you belong

By Charlene Irvin-Babcock McHugh

That poem captured my Grandfather and all the good that was him and the good he created!  

During the sermon, I gripped Tom tightly and let myself cry.  I was not the only one, as we all let it come out.  Sometimes during the hymns my mind was left to wander and recall the many beautiful memories shared with Grandpa over the years.  His stories always amazed me, his life was fascinating, his experiences grand.  Even stories told again, captivated the listeners, which usually were many.  The stories were awesome, but so was his affection and love that he was quick to show.  

The funeral ended and 10 strapping young men wipe away tears and headed to the casket.  All looking so handsome, somber, and sad, they pushed him up the aisle and gathered in the back.  The six girls followed closely behind, all sobbing, and not ready for the final goodbye.  

Much to my surprise our jackets were gathered and outside we proceeded. A gun salute was given, and with each trigger pull I knew the final goodbye was coming closer.  I prayed and hugged those around me.  Pride swelling in all of us for this wonderful man that I had the privilege of calling my Grandfather. 

The casket was loaded in the hearse and slowly driven away.  Tom and I somberly walked to our car and headed to pick up the children.  I didn't think there were many tears left in me, but during the short drive they still flowed.  

I dried my eyes and fixed my mascara, and picked up the foursome.  We headed over to the luncheon at the The River Crab.  The restaurant was filled, parking scarce as we all gathered to tell stories and enjoy each other's company during this sad time.

We said our goodbye's after hours of reminiscing, laughing, and shedding some more tears.  The children walked around, admiring the beauty of the St. Clair River, as ice formations glazed the bank of the river.  A few boats slowly sailed by, capturing the attention of the children, and adults.  This beautiful River was their (my Grandparent's) river.  It was their place of sanctuary.  Their comfort, and it will always be the place I associate with them.  The memories of their many houses scattered along the river over the years, one thing is always constant, the beauty of the fast flowing waters and the beauty of their love.  

Goodbye Grandpa.  Your body is no longer here, but your spirit lives on in all of us! 

See You Later 2014!

December has come and gone.  It came in quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was gone.  This year the Christmas Season seemed compact and the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's were few, and with the business that comes with the season, blogging was forgotten.  So let's rewind all the way back to the beginning of December 2014.  In order to remember I had to scan through my phone pictures and rack by brain!

December 3rd brought Aunt CC and Maizey to our house to aid in putting the girls on the bus and watching Zane as I took Max to UofM Mott's Children's Hospital to see a pediatric cardiologist.  The appointment yielded great news about Max's ticker, which is fine.  He does have three separate murmurs that are very loud, but completely harmless.  He is a healthy and active young man!  Knowing how active he is, my doubts were few about something actually being wrong, but the appointment gave me peace of mind and you can never go wrong with an expert in the field!

December 6th we drove out to our favorite Christmas Tree Farm and picked out our first tree for the new house!  The sun was deceiving, and we figured it would be an easy trip.  The wind whipped and the search was excruciatingly long!  The kids started to break down and used the trees as wind blockers and hunkered down as we trudged on to find the perfect tree.  Finally, we found one that wasn't perfect, but would do the job!  The children were relieved!

The tree was, of course, larger than anticipated once placed inside, but the new house was able to accommodate the tree and it was a beautiful addition! The children joyous decorated and gushed over old ornaments they created and ones we've accumulated over the years. Their joy was infectious and we all begin to feel the spirit of the season!

The next weekend we traveled to Sturgis for a day to visit with Grandpa Roehrig, and Aunt Liz and Uncle Larry.  The trip was short, but sweet, filled with many old toys being pulled out and snuggles up with Grandpa R to read books.  My favorite part was the infamous spaghetti that we had for dinner!  Grandpa Roehrig makes the BEST spaghetti and I literally have outright cravings for the chucky deliciousness! 

Again, being on the PTO board I was in charge of executing the Santa Supper that took place on December 11th.  The event is well loved by the school families and despite all the hard work that goes into it, and the fact I don't even get to see or enjoy my family, it's something I do enjoy doing.  This year all the children willingly talked with Santa and loved the event. Although Tom was in charge of getting them ready to go and the girl's hair, specifically Violette's, is a mess and I would've changed outfits to coordinate a little better, it's still a really cute picture that I will cherish for many years to come!  

The next December event was our 10th wedding anniversary that occurred on December 18th.  That was a Thursday, meaning Zane went to Thursday School and Tom and I were able to have a few hours to ourselves to celebrate!  We even had a romantic breakfast at Tim Horton's haha!  We not have went on a getaway, or dressed up for a special dinner out, but those few hours to ourselves were nice and I even scored a new diamond ring!  Can't complain about that!  

Upon pick up time for Zane, we were able to see him sit on Santa's lap and get a little present.  He was the first one to go, and had no fear and jumped right up there!  
December 20th marked the Annual Babcock Christmas Party in St. Clair.  Weather was clear and the drive smooth.  When my Mom's side of the family gets together it's always a good time filled with much noise and many laughs.  The children were gifted with many presents and loved talking with all the people around.  With right around 50 people it was a wonderful chaos!  My Grandfather was in a great way and seeing him sit back, taking in the family he created was a sight to be seen!  As I write this he is not doing so well, and his days are numbered here on Earth as he awaits to meet his beautiful bride in heaven!  We were all so blessed to have this special time with him during the family Christmas and it will always be cherished in my heart! 

I wrote the above paragraph before he died on January 7th, 2015.  I haven't changed it and just now (January 26th) looked at my saved drafts to start catching up on my blog.  Tears hit my eyes while skimming the words.  He will be so missed, and after this post is finished I will write about his funeral.  Until then I will finish this long update.

My darling, sweet, sentimental, kind, studious, rule following little old lady, Noelle Rose, turned 9 years old on the 21st!  It was truly hard to grasp the fact that my first born, the child that turned me into a mother, was nine years old! She kindly only asked for books and to spend the day in bed, being served her meals.  She didn't spend the whole day in bed, but was given a lot of books for her birthday and enjoyed reading a ton and stayed in her pajamas the entire day.  

Christmas was up next!  Unfortunately all six of us decided that it was the perfect time to come down with body aches, fever, chills, coughs, chest congestion, you know, typical influenza symptoms.  It was a rough go of it, but with much medication we all made it though.  My parents, brother, his girlfriend Taylor, my sister's family all come down Christmas Eve to celebrate with us.  I'm not sure how, but pictures were not taken.  My guess is that we all were concentrating on being in the moment.  With the help of my Mom, we had a huge dinner or Turkey and ham and all the trimmings to enjoy in the afternoon.  The children were of course spoiled by Santa, and despite their sickness, and battling fevers, they had a wonderful time.  Many cuddles on the couch, were taken but even more smiles and giggles were heard and enjoyed.  Christmas 2014 was a great one, even with the plague in the house!

We had the pleasure of hosting Uncle Alex and Taylor for a few extra days before they drove back to New York.  The weather was surprisingly warm and unseasonal so we headed out to the local hiking trails to get some much needed fresh air in our systems and try to sweat out the sickness.  

Maximilian Charles turned 7 on December 31st.  My little, mischievous guy is seven freakin' years old!  A lover of everything sports, a avoider of everything homework related, and a corrector of his siblings, he is a boy that keeps us on our toes, but loves wholeheartedly!  Of the four, he challenges me the most and forces me to learn new parenting methods and search for the best way for me to become a better parent.  As much as I struggle with him, I am eternally grateful for the chance to better myself as a Mom and learn new and different ways to be a parent.  

For his birthday I made him a cake and we celebrated by having a lazy day at home followed by a night out a neighbor's house to ring in the new year and even had a mini balloon drop!   

Ok that ends the Christmas Season and I can focus on January and February for me next most!