Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I have a draft started of December events.  It has yet to be completed.  Today's post is more important to write and complete.  Today my Grandfather, Charles Henry Babcock, passed away.  Today he entered heaven to be with the love of his life, my Grandmother, who passed away on October 7th 2010.

Today's tears are filled with his memories.  I cry because I will miss him.  I cry for selfish reasons.  I know that he is in a truly better place, one filled will joy and void of pain and discomfort.

The Babcock Family celebrated our annual family Christmas this year on December 20th.  It was a beautiful party and Grandpa was present in all his glory.  We are so sincerely blessed to have had this last gathering with him.  As we drove to St. Clair, I mentally told myself that I needed to get a picture of him and all the great grandchildren.  It was a fleeting thought and one I did not get a chance to capitalize on.  I'm mad at myself for this.  My tears stream hot and steady of this lack of follow through.  The hussle and bussle of 50+ family members to catch up with and enjoy overshadowed my want to take the picture.  I look back and try to remember that I took very few pictures, as  I was in the moment of the party, and not glued to my phone/camera.  I talked with Grandpa, laughed with cousins, and looked on as Grandpa engaged with everyone, pride filling his entire body.  The picture did not happen, but so many wonderful memories from that night did.

This picture was taken by my someone and even though it isn't one with my children, it is a favorite of mine.  My brother completely engaged with Grandpa!  He had great relationships with all this grandchildren, always such sweet sentiments spoken and deep love felt.  His genuine smile speaks volumes.  In the background, Grandma's painting can be seen, as if she is looking on this beautiful scene.

Grandpa was the Patriarch of an incredible family.  Six amazing daughters in 7 1/2 years, 18 grandchildren, and six great grandchildren.  The numbers are large, but it's the closeness of the family that is amazing.  We are older now, but truth be told, no one had their smart phones out at Christmas, no one was plugged in, we were all present and loving each other.  That was our family in general, always present and always with something to talk about, and laugh over.

I could continue to write for hours, but my tears are fresh, and the loss is deep.  I will write more after we say our official goodbye's at his funeral.  For now I will pray for peace for my Mom and her sisters as they have to process this death of their Father.  I will remember that Heaven is grand and he is most certainly enjoying his time, finally reunited with his Bride.

Rest In Peace Grandpa.  May you look down upon us all and feel much admiration for your life and love from us all.

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