Wednesday, July 9, 2014

When Tragedy Strikes

I grew up in a small community where everyone knew what everyone was doing.  It was nice to grow up there, the trees and foliage acted as a shield from the Big Cities of Downstate.  Neighbors were far and few between.  As I grew I felt that this was not what I wanted.  I wanted a city life.  A life of condo's and taxis, and midnight strolls on well lit streets.  I wanted the hustle and bustle of a large city to consume me and get lost in the fast life.

Today, and over the fast week I am thankful that I have landed in yet again, another small community.  Tecumseh, MI (although we have an Adrian, MI address the children attend Tecumseh Schools and we are closer to Tecumseh than Adrian) is a quaint town that surpassed all my expectations, especially now.  On Thursday July 3rd an accident occurred on US-23.  It was all over the local news, as it shut down the highway (on the Northbound and Southbound side) and traffic was backed up for hours and hours during a big travel day for tourist headed Up North.  This was big news for the traffic backups alone, then mumbling of two casualties began to be heard on the news.  I silently prayed for the families, sad for their loss, but was feeling a disconnect as I did not know them.

I received a message late Thursday night from a close friend.  One of the casualties was the son of the Thursday School director and teacher we had grown to love over the past two years. I was in shock.  Miss Michelle was one of the most tenderhearted and caring women we've had the privilege of knowing. Her son could be seen at Thursday School helping out frequently.  How was he gone?  I was also informed that Zane's past teacher of the two year old class, Miss Lori's daughter was also involved, but was in critical condition.  Another boy, that I did not know was also killed, but who was a big part of the community.  I was so numb, words could not be found.

Tecumseh has a Facebook page called The Real Housewives of Tecumseh, where over 1,200 women belong to it.  It's a great resource for things like doctors, dentists, repairmen, because as soon as you ask for a recommendation many responses are quickly entered.  You can find out community happenings quickly, but at times the site can get catty and a bit bitchy to be a part of.

The news of the recent accident went up on the site quickly and the outpouring of prayers and support began to pour in.  Then someone started a account to help give a bit of reprise from the financial burden these families would be facing.  A quick goal of $10,000 was set.  The Tecumseh Community, and surrounding areas, began showing their support with donations.  The $10,000 goal was reached in a about 24 hours and continued to more than double over the next few days and continues to grow as more and more caring people give donations.

Direct money donations isn't the only way our community has reached out to help.  The two boys were Tecumseh High School Soccer stars while in high school and tonight there is a candle light vigil at the soccer fields that I plan on attending.  Local youth groups are dedicating their meeting to prayer, there is a benefit at the local YMCA occurring, more prayer vigils on Friday and Saturday, it seems endless the amount of support that is being offered and truly makes me prideful of what this great community, that I call home, is doing.

Here is a great article about the boys

Sadly, drunk driving, by the other driver, was the cause of the accident and can be read about here

Prayers will continue for those affect by this horrific accident.  Awe of my community will also continue as the outpouring of support continues.

God, bring comfort and peace.  Peace in your essence.  Peace in your name.  Bring peace to these families who have lost their precious children in death.  Provide comfort for them in this time of grief.  Surround them with love.  Amen

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What sad news, but also a great reminder of God's presence. God is definitely present in your community. Also a terrific reminder to live each day to the fullest and hug our loved ones. I will add your community to my prayers.