Monday, June 9, 2014

Family, Family, Family

These last three weekends we have been going, going, going and family has been the theme of our weekends.  The children have been enveloped with much love and fun, and many smiles and laughs have been shared over these visits.  Many pictures will be posted!

It started Memorial Day weekend.  We packed up the minivan and dove up to Traverse City to partake in a Babcock Family Gathering.  The weather was sunny and high 70's, just gorgeous.  Lake Michigan hovered in the low 40s, freezing all who touched her!  The children didn't mind dipping their toes in, and Zane could be seen completely submerged in the fridge cold water.  We were surround by many of my cousins and all of the six Babcock Sisters were there.  My Grandpa enjoyed the chaos and could be found most of the time sitting back and taking in the phenomenal sight of our large family enjoying themselves.  My Aunt Cindy opened up her beautiful vacation home to us all and the weekend was wonderful!

The first weekend in June brought with it a gathering of the Roehrig Gang to celebrate Grandpa Roehrig's birthday and Father's Day.  The annual get together brings all ten grandchildren together.  The old My Little Ponies are brought out, along with the little green army men.  Despite being so old, the toys keep all the children completely engaged for long periods of time.  

This year Aunt Liz and Uncle Larry decided to try something new and fun for the kids.  They made a water blob that was a complete hit and had all the grandchildren sopping wet and filled with many smiles and giggles!  We even got in a dreaded family photo!  By the time we left our stomachs were completely full and our hearts even fuller.  
One of my favorite pictures showing three generations of Baseball Lovers:

June 7th marked my Mom's 50th Birthday!  In order to celebrate we headed up to our old stomping grounds of Presque Isle, MI this Saturday and stayed at Firseside Inn in some cabins.  First we stopped by my Auntie Di's house (yep, I'm 30 and still call her Aunti Di!) she outdid herself with an amazing spread of food for us to much on, then a great dinner and some delicious German Chocolate birthday cake for desert.  It was a great day!  The children were in heaven with the Grand Lake right at their toes.  My cousin (from my Dad's side) was there was his three children, who are close in age to mine, so they all played nonstop.  Fishing, swimming, paddle boating, the children were constantly in motion! By the time we made it back to our cabins they quickly went to sleep.  The adults headed out to have our own campfire.  We stayed up way late!  In the morning we ate breakfast at the Inn, packed and headed out.  The trip was fast, but we saw many of our old friends and were able to really enjoy ourselves.  Happy 50th Birthday Mom/Glamma!!

After our fun filled weekends we are looking forward to summer and more adventures!  School is in session for Noelle and Maximilian until the 18th, and as the time drags on we are creating our Summer Bucket List and ready for less schedules and enjoying the warmer weather.  


Amanda said...

What wonderful times and memories you have been making recently. We NEED to get together soon!

kenjen82 said...
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kenjen82 said...

Awesome Natalie just awesome!

aunt ceecee said...

Love! Noelle looks so old holding parker!