Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Breaks On, Reverse, Go!

Wow!  It’s January 7th, 2014 already!  The children are on their second snow day, a small part of the them ready to see their teachers and friends, but we are honestly enjoying each other and the extra time home together. Currently it is –13 degrees and the wind chill is hovering around –39 degrees, so inside we stay, playing with all the new toys from Christmas and soaking in the time without a schedule.  I’m not sure school is on the agenda for tomorrow with the very icy roads and sub zero temperatures.  If we are home, we will continue on snuggling and playing and squeezing in a few lessons from school here and there. 


Let’s backtrack to the week before Christmas…Violette and Zane had a visit from Santa Claus at school.  They all loved having him there and he even brought them a little present.  I’m surprised by Zane’s lack of fear, but he is by far my most out going child, ready and willing to talk to any and everyone that will listen to him.

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On the 20th Tom took the day off of school and I was able to help out in Max’s and Noelle’s classroom Christmas parties.  It was so much fun seeing the children in their classrooms with their friends.  I was able to make Noelle birthday/party cupcakes that turned out very well with my lack of baking skills. 


Saturday was Noelle’s 8th Birthday, but also our annual Babcock Family Christmas in St. Clair. To make her day special I scheduled her an appointment for an updo at the salon.  She was so excited to say the least!  Her hair turned out beautiful land she was ready for the party!

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The Babcock Family Christmas was wonderful, as usual.  Lots of family, gifts, and above all laugher and joy. 

noelle n gramps

We even got a full family picture!  Not perfect, but all six of us were in it, even Zane peeking out! family pic

This is the funniest picture!  Check out Max’s face!

max silly face

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On Sunday evening beloved Uncle Alex came to stay with us until Christmas.  The children (including Tom) were thrilled to have him here.  He played endlessly with the kids and stayed up late laughing with Tom and I.  We, Tom and I, realized we are not 21 anymore either! 


Christmas Eve came and the whole Goodhue Gang arrived late.  Charlotte, Mike, Maizey, Grandma, and Grandpa all piled in the house for one last Christmas here.  Good times were had!  My camera only came out Christmas morning, but on the bright side, I was able to get some pictures!

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Zane was tired out by the afternoon:


Maizey loves her cousins:

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Family left and we spent the next few days playing with all the new toys.  Next up was Max’s birthday on the 31st.  He opened gifts and had a relaxing day including an evening over at friends house, then went to bed later than usual.  No, the kids did not stay up to bring in the new year, Tom and I are just not ready for the late nights and early mornings!

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New Year’s Day brought along with it about 8 inches of lovely snow and we headed out sledding and enjoying the snow.

That brings us to Sunday, when another large storm hit, leaving another 10 inches of snow and bitter cold temperatures.  I just heard that Wednesday, January 8th, will be another snow day with schools cancelled.  I think we are all ready for school to begin and are schedules to return to normal, but we will soak up the last day off tomorrow and hopefully get out in the bountiful snow. 

We continue to wait on word of a closing date on our current house and our new house.  Looks like we might be morning towards the beginning of February.  That is fine by me, as we enjoy the last weeks of this precious home where all four of my babies made their debuts and took their first steps.

Happy New Year to all.  May this new year bring you much joy, adventure, prosperity, and most importantly love!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It sounds like the holidays were good to all of you. I'm glad your family was able to join you for Christmas. I love Noelle's up do. The family picture is terrific, and I especially love the look on Max's face in the photo below it. Happy New Year! I can't wait to see the new house. Good luck with the move.