Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Swing

It's Friday.  I spent the first hour of school at the school awarding prizes for our annual Walk-A-Thon fundraiser.  After an embarrassing trip of a stool in the Kindergarten class (not Max's) and face plant on the floor, I am sitting down relaxing as Violette and Zane toss a balloon back and forth.  The sun is glorious, shining down, bright and pure, and the air is crisp.  Fall is in full swing,  large tree swing, swing.  The type of swing that if you lean back your toes touch the sky and each pump of the legs brings you that much closer to the clouds.  The sway downwards brings tickles to your stomach.  It's a full swing Fall season and we all love it around here.

I bought sparkly acorns and pine cones to display on the table.  I am certain this was the key to receiving, negotiating, and accepting an offer on our house.  How could they not want to live where sparkly acorns are on the table?  It's big news, scary news.  It's still sinking in, and as you all know nothing is final until the closing date, and that will be in December.  As far as where we are going, that is still not solidified but we are working on it.  I'm not ready to say goodbye yet, and thankfully I won't have to for a few more months.

House woes and excitement aside, Max lost his first tooth!  That's some important stuff right there!  This front bottom tooth was hanging by the slimmest thread possible.  Noelle begged me to take it out before it got to this point, but Max was much more reluctant to me pulling it out.  He would push the tooth past horizontal and the darn thing still held on.  Finally, one strong tongue thrust and it popped out.  He was so excited, and coincidentally it was the night before school pictures.  The Tooth Fairy made her appearance and all was good in his five year old world.

Ready for School Pictures, my second grader and kindergartner:

Thursday School had their annual train ride this Thursday.  It was a cool morning with bright sunshine shining down on the open air cart.  Zane and Violette had a delightful time.  What child doesn't love a real train ride?  

With several stops for branches and a little late start we arrived home, all of us tired.  Zane was exceptionally tired and crashed on the chair.  Ahhh, to be a little one! 

The fall leaves are not the only things changing around here.  As much as we love this house, we have outgrown it.  Fingers are crossed (hesitantly) that a new house is in our near future.  One that fits our family a little better, but if not we have each other.  As far as the children are concerned, we will keep on keeping on, enjoy all the local festivities and the beautiful Autumn Season in Southern Michigan. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm glad you are enjoying the fall season. The beauty of autumn never ceases to amaze me. I am also thrilled that you were finally able to sell your house. Maybe I need to buy sparkly acorns for our house, but then we would actually need someone to go through it for that to happen. We haven't shown it in probably six weeks.