Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Little Surprise and Open Houses

Last weekend we decided to do something a little special and fun for the kiddos.  On Friday we  told them that on Sunday we would be going for a little overnight  trip.  We didn't give details, but after much pestering, gave them little hints, like, "we are going somewhere fun" and "you will need a change of clothes and maybe a bathing suit".  In other words, we gave them not much to go on.  Their minds were abuzz, coming up with many options and possible scenarios.

Sunday came and we packed up and left the house around 2:30pm.  We told the children we were going to make one stop first at Cabela's, then continue onto our destination.  We wandered Cabela's, admiring the animals, and large fish tanks.  They laughed and smiled and enjoyed the little detour.  After checking out with the obligatory fudge we told the children we had a few hour drive.  Everyone belted themselves in and readied for the continued drive.  We pulled out and quickly turned into the Dundee Splash Universe waterpark right next to Cabela's.  Tom and I yelled out, "Surprise!  We are staying here for the night!" They cheered like we were THE  Greatest Parents On Earth!

The suite we checked into had two bunk beds, a little sitting room, and then a separate king size bedroom.  It was perfect for our family of six, with enough room to accommodate all of us.  Room service pizza was ordered and then we suited up for the water park.  We spent several hours floating down the lazy river and going down the water slides countless times.  Noelle and Max were pleasantly surprised they were tall enough to ride the water slides without an adult.  Violette had to ride with Tom or I, but that was fine by us.  Zane was just shy of riding them, and I was more than happy with that since I didn't think we was old enough, or water skilled enough to even attempt them.  There were other little slides for him and he loved holding onto me and cruising down the lazy river again and again.

After a few hours we headed to the room for the night.  In the morning the water park was again utilized and we all had such a great time.  Only twenty minutes from the house, it was the perfect end of summer family getaway for us all.  They are still taking about the fun they had!  No pictures were taken due to our distraction, but part of me is glad we didn't take many pictures.  Tom and I were focused on enjoying every minute with the children.  We laughed and played like kids.  It was a magical overnight trip to be remembered for years to come.

After returning to the real world, we had school open houses this week.  Max was so excited and ready to see his classroom.  Luckily he will have the same Kindergarten teacher as Noelle had.  He was very familiar with the classroom and teacher, so his comfort level was sky high.  He explored the room with a smile planted on his face, finding his name on his assigned seat with ease.

This year will be a great one for him.  He even found out his good friend and neighbor, Luke, will be in his class.  Having a buddy in class before school even starts is a major plus for a boy's first full time school adventure.  He is growing so much and I am ready to let him fly away.  
After visiting Max's classroom we headed onto Noelle's.  The big deal in second grade are desks.  Noelle couldn't wait to find her own personal desk.  She lifted the top and looked in with awe.  I smiled at the simplicity of a desk, with looked on with joy at her excitement.  This is big time in her eyes, and she's right.  Second grade IS big time!  I have no doubt she will, again, flourish during  this school year.  She is our book worm. 
Thursday brought along with it Violette's first ever Birthday Party, by herself, and her open house for Thursday school.  Aunt CC came for a short visit and even did Violette's hair for the tea party themed birthday.  She looked like a little princess and due to the timing, wore her outfit to the open house.  She was familiar with Thursday School, as Max attended last year, and excitedly explored her classroom and found her labeled seat.  This will be a good year for her too!

After much speculation, I decided to sign Zane up in the Spring for Thursday School as well.  On a side note, that means from 9 to 1:30pm, every single Thursday I will be kid free.  Let me repeat that, kid free for four and a half hours, every single Thursday!!!!!  At first I was not sure, now I'm seriously counting down the days until September 12th, their first day!  Zane dove into his classroom and started to play.  He is very excited about Thursday School, but keeps asking me, "you're going to stay with me, right?".  I know that there will be many tears for him, but I put him in the two year old class (even though he's turning 3 in October) knowing that they are very good at dealing with criers, and will handle his hesitation well.  
He's our monster for sure, but the structure this once a week preschool will offer can only be good for him.  He will be a challenge for the teacher, I'm sure of it, but in the end this can only help.  I write this trying to convince myself of our decision! 

This will be a good school year, albeit, busy,  but good for us all!  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you guys got away for a mini vacation. It doesn't have to be far away or extravagant to make memories does it? Enjoy your Thursdays! I sure hope Zane adjusts well, and you too for that matter. I'm already dreading sending Mia to kindergarten next year. I'm convinced she'll be a crier and I think my being in the building will make it worse because she'll want to find me. Only time will tell, but lets just enjoy them being young while we can.